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Everything posted by Interstate

  1. The rain earlier that washed the brine away must have been a warm front
  2. Good site for glasses. https://www.adorama.com/apoeclipse10.html?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADxgUsw6q_sG6jl68ItSnJVX8lyhm&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkc6Km7mjhAMVyFtHAR08sgfHEAsYASABEgL42vD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&utm_source=inc-google-shop-p
  3. On a side note. Jalapeño stuffed olives are awesome
  4. I thought you were joking as I was giving my obs. That is crazy the temp jump
  5. I think the thread is fine. It has all been noise tonight. Same general theme. It is not like it moved north or south.
  6. Odds on the the GFS showing purples in central MD area?
  7. Don’t tell Boston about trends within 100 hours.
  8. Just remember everyone... Boston is getting shutout again
  9. There is only Love and War when it comes to snow IMBY
  10. Who was it that was asking for a Special Weather Statement on Tuesday... well here you go Special Weather Statement
  11. The last couple of storms... The Baltimore area was supposed to be jackpotted... It never happened. Maybe it can be reverse psychology this time too and we actually get jackpotted.
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