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Everything posted by Interstate

  1. Well at least tomorrow the NAM will be in range
  2. Thanks... I just found out on the main page it is not working if you click it... but if you click the radar link it does... Thanks again 2.61 here in 21057
  3. Why is NWS Sterling's radar down again?
  4. So I see we have hit rock bottom.
  5. I know it is hard. But can we please keep the thread a little cleaner. I know we are all guilty of banner in the main threads... but it is starting to get out of control.
  6. Down to 28.0/23.2 with light snow
  7. Big Goose Egg here... 24.6/14.2
  8. NAM is going to make a couple more people happy. At least they will see some snow.
  9. Really... My point and click is for 35. I currently sit at 30.9
  10. I am glad we are sticking to these guidelines in the long range and storm threads.
  11. Need to make sure they get their budget next year.
  12. Didn't that just happen with the last storm... I think we used it up.
  13. https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?m=ecmwf_full&p=sn10_acc&rh=2020011212&fh=240&r=conus&dpdt=&mc=
  14. GFS 6z is perfect for everyone. If only it would come true.
  15. I also believe we had our coldest low high temp that year some time in Jan.
  16. You are correct. I lived in southern Carroll county and it was a sleet fest storm after storm.
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