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About ChalkHillSnowNut

  • Birthday 10/23/1974

Profile Information

  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Chalk Hill, PA
  • Interests
    Snowy and stormy weather, volleyball, hockey, football...my daughter, my wife, just enjoying a good life....

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  1. Nice cool comfy day today/low last night back to seasonable
  2. Cell just moving through now with some rain/wind and lightening thunder-don’t notice crazy wind just a light show here right now and my house is just about in the total red of the intensity
  3. Sunny here and 68 on the mountain-the sun is good for storms so praying it’s not terrible
  4. Mine is still showing that too….juat east of here is 4-7 in Somerset county
  5. I wish I could post photos-but it’s beautiful here-snowed another 2.5 overnight and going again now-measured just over a foot from both the Monday Tuesday system and yesterdays….
  6. Bernie’s video has PITT all within a 3-6” range!
  7. Picked up another 1.5” since about 8:30 this morning….its nice to just see the snow again finally even tho it will all be gone in another 48 hrs
  8. I love to see all the love now….lethal try to support each other-I know the dissatisfaction sucks a lot but we got good people!
  9. Thank you! Finally decent snow rates with huge flakes-I think we all should do well with the second wave overnight tonight?…
  10. Up here, even at my elevation it’s been nothing but ice/rain and little snow mixed in…
  11. It’s almost nowcast time anyway-all HRRR and radar soon
  12. CALM….look at the NAM…still around 4ish for Allegheny co?!
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