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Everything posted by CarlislePaWx

  1. You'll drop to 33 at least. Hopefully you catch the really heavy band I had.
  2. Back to big flakes heavy again. Radar shows one more pretty solid heavy push coming this way from Shippensburg. If this keeps up I'll reach 2". My grass is slowly disappearing. At 2" it completely disappears. Temp still 32.2 with barely any wind.
  3. Just went out and measured the snowboard. Already have reached 1.0" So this rate has been around 1.5"/hr. It's just beginning to show signs of lightening up.
  4. If only this could have been 2 days ago. Temp down to 32.2. I should make it to 32.0 or even a bit lower if this heavy snow keeps up. Great flake size that accumulates quickly. Easily 1"/hr rates.
  5. Snow started here about 30 minutes ago and rather quickly has increased to heavy! Temp was 35 and just dropped to 32.4. Everything is white and it looks like I've picked up 0.5" so far. Yay!
  6. Are you sure about those temps being from last year? I remember observing flurries during the afternoon of Christmas day. There's no way it was 64 unless it occurred at 12:01am and then dropped 25 degrees before noon.
  7. Everybody get out your party hats. Winter officially begins in 2 minutes (10:59)!!!
  8. I talked about this a day or two ago. After Saturday night's light event (0.14") I'm now up to 0.27" M-T-D. Driest Dec I've ever witnessed was back in 1989 with 0.63".
  9. I'm afraid I'm in that same group with you now myself. Especially when it's windy.
  10. Well...not only did I break 20 for my low, I made it down to 15.6 F this morning...finally!
  11. At 11:15pm I'm down to 24.3 with a dew point of 20. I'm pretty sure my coldest this season so far has been 23. With clear moonlit skies and calm winds I think I've got a shot at close to 20 by morning. I'm just wondering when I'll finally break 20 and reach the teens. I think a low in the teens came really late last winter as well. Last winter my coldest low for the entire season was just +5 F! I think I only had that one single digit low just once all season. And the winter before that my coldest was just +9 F. Single digits have been few and far between over the last few years. Of course, a nice snowpack does wonders for getting low temps down closer to zero at least a few times in any given winter.
  12. Okay...okay...everybody wishing for a west-based NAO can please stop wishing! The center of the high heights have overshot and aren't even over Greenland on these maps.
  13. I'm going with 38 degrees on Christmas day. By the way, the first 17 days of this month for me are among the driest I've seen since 1989. That was a December to remember. I had a total of only 0.63" of precipitation for the entire month, most of that occurring during the final 6 hours of the month! It was absolutely the coldest December I've ever lived through. Temperatures for the month were 10 degrees below normal. I remember my average low temp for the month was 14 degrees (this was in northern NJ). It was so cold (and dry!) that there was no liquid precip that fell for the entire month until 4 hours before midnight on the 31st. All of the precip up to that point had been snow. Unfortunately, it wasn't very much snow. The forecast for New Year's Eve night was for snow developing but then quickly mixing with and changing to rain. I was only four hours away from experiencing a rainless month. The snow began around 6:00pm and by 8:00pm it began to change over. By 9:00pm it had gone over to all rain. It practically ruined my New Year's Eve festivities..(LOL). I was so upset about coming soooooo close to setting another record for the month. Hard to believe that was 32 years ago. That brings me back to the start of my story. I have only recorded a whopping total of 0.13" of rain this month so far. This dryness is coming off of a very dry November with less than 2" for last month. I know I'm just hours away from the rain arriving so we'll see how much gets added to the total.
  14. That center of high pressure over Greenland looks like a west-based NAO. Wasn't it only a few days ago that it was east-based? I think MAG was talking about that. A pretty incredible overnight with temps above 50 the whole night. I would think that's fairly rare. I'm down now to 49 and dropping very slowly. High of 63 yesterday, and it felt great!
  15. My high today was reached after the winds arrived, which was 57.6. The strongest winds lasted for about 30 minutes. I had frequent gusts into the low to mid 20's, but nothing higher. Then, suddenly, it was like someone shut the wind switch off because they died back down quickly to under 10 mph and haven't even been 5 mph recently. The temp took a nosedive from the 57.6 back at 8:00 and has dropped back down to 45. Here, at least, no wind advisory was needed. I'm not complaining. High winds always worry me because I have a bunch of 100 foot tall trees in my back yard with my yard facing north. That means a high northerly wind could blow one of them over with the tree easily crashing into my second floor roof and master bedroom. Thankfully all the leaves are finally off and the worry factor is tempered down a bit.
  16. Still cool air dammed here with a temp of 52.2 degrees and light winds < 5mph.
  17. 50 degrees here with calm winds. Had 0.03" of rain overnight. Month-to-date precip a very dry 0.13". Worse than November so far
  18. For me personally, Airplane was absolutely the funniest movie I've ever seen. I've never laughed as hard or as loud through an entire film. A genuine LOL. I still crack up 40 years later when watching it again. Leslie Nielsen was one of the best..."...I just want you to know....good luck...we're all counting on you!"...X 3. Others included the "roger...over routine"...or...Peter Graves..."Jimmy, have you ever seen a cockpit?" I could go on but I won't. It's been a few years...I'll have to go find it again. Alas, quite a few actors from that film are gone now.
  19. Yep. 64 degrees for me on Christmas Eve. I remember taking my window screens down and washing my front windows! And then the BIG one 3-4 weeks later when I got 35", biggest single storm of my life. I doubt I'll ever see that much from a storm again.
  20. If anyone reads the forecast discussion out of CTP (timestamp 2:31pm EST), it seems that they don't want to discuss the Wednesday event at all. The discussion ends late afternoon Tuesday and then skips to Thursday. I wonder when they'll catch that?
  21. Leading edge of the rain is out near Bedford. I'd say it should be reaching me in about 2 hours. Clouds are thick and darkening so I doubt I'm going much higher than my current temp of 56.5.
  22. Is Justin one of the TV mets? I don't watch TV often enough to know.
  23. Today was my coldest maximum temperature at 39.2 degrees. I definitely do CAD very well here and frequently hold on longer than most to the east. It was overcast 95% of the day with a few brief breaks during the afternoon. Clouds were breaking up in the western sky right around sunset. I'm down now to 33.3. It did end up snowing more steadily after my post this morning where I thought there was one last short burst left. After that the snow picked up in intensity (from flurries to steady light snow) but was much more grainy than flaky...lol. It was just heavy enough to make the streets wet.
  24. I was just about to chime in and say that that storm may have also been the first time I witnessed Thundersnow...and I'm 13 years older than you. I was in my first year of Optometry school in Philly. Boy was I excited about that storm. I kept switching back and forth between my NOAA weather radio and Accuweather reports on KYW. During that storm Joel Meyers even did a few live updates. (He was one of the founders of Accuweather). Then there was Elliot Abrams and Joe Sobel. I'm not sure if JB came on during that storm. At the end of the storm Philly (at the airport) officially recorded 21.3" which broke the all-time record there of 21.0". That record was eventually eclipsed by one of the biggie storms some time after 2000. I remember I cut all my classes on that Friday because the storm was literally the only thing I could think about. A true and total weenie at the time.
  25. Enjoying the final burst of light snow now. This is the first daytime snow I've seen so far. With a temp of 36.3 it is simply disappearing once it hits the ground.
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