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Everything posted by tavwtby

  1. I'm getting a feeling we may be a bit surprised tomorrow in SNE, getting the feeling we may be a little surprised tomorrow after, wish the temps weren't so marginal up to 850,
  2. usually... when we are expecting a good snow dump, I throw a tarp over the coop and run, so they aren't butt deep trying to scratch the ground, also keeps them a little warmer cause I don't use a heat lamp in the winter, just my two cents
  3. drove back home for the week due some test issues, looks like I may actually get to see a bit of something before heading back south next weekend albeit small, some of those runs spitting out plowable here, but I'm skeptical. and I also want to use the new blower
  4. ain't missing in the MA, even in north Florida there's freeze warnings up for tonight, it was warmer when I left yesterday morning in ct than any other place along the drive, highest the car said was 53 in SC, currently around 50 in Jax
  5. yeah that sucked, the SB storm did that to me I think in 2015 too, might be wrong on the year tho, anyway, I'm now in Harrisburg VA next to James Madison U for the night and it's about 15F colder here now than when I left Winsted this morning... serious severe outbreak just south of here this morning I see... I'll be in Soflo tomorrow with updates of palms in the breeze while I watch what happens home...
  6. it's been feeling like late Mar early April since just after Christmas, at this point I'm kinda glad I'm going to Soflo, at least the weather there is unrelentingly predictable...they get maybe two or three colder days then back to 80s...if I'm going to be in rain, I'll prefer Florida rain...
  7. have to replace the tennis balls on the walker with ski though to get through the blizzard....
  8. an inch otg here...can we get some more ticks west for the weekend? not like I'd see it, but would be nice if at least all SNE gets in on some action... interesting look after next weekend
  9. hey, I'll take what I can... I'll be on the road this time tomorrow headed to Soflo for like a month, so it'll be the last white I see, outside some crazy chance it snows in south Florida... official, .5" and I'm now at 8" on the season, woohoo
  10. actually rippin pretty good here now, good growth, closing in on .5"
  11. the plows are actually out, I always laugh when they scrape sparks and when there's 6" on the road they're nowhere to be found.. guess budget needs to get used
  12. 15-16 was the all time rat here with 27.7", 11-12 was able to get to 50, but that's still nearly 30" BN... last year was around 35" I believe, but 10-11, 12-13, 13-14, 14-15, 16-17 and 17-18 were right about avg or AN here anyway...the first three winters since moving up from Waterbury were pretty epic, near or above 90" for all 3...16-17 was my last AN snowfall at 90" here...
  13. i take back the single digits statement, we did have a couple days around Christmas where we were single digits for lows, got down to 2.9F lowest of the winter so far, but it was in December so perhaps I wasn't wrong for Jan singles...
  14. that color spectrum is a bit misleading to those who don't know, I mean the same color basically for+12 and -16 it appears , but we know what direction they are
  15. yeah, three +45F high days skewed it high, believe my mean for the whole month is around 28, I may be wrong there though, take those three days off and I'm probably at climo, haven't had any single digits yet either
  16. I've averaged 34.1F for January thus far, I haven't reduced the archival data yet for mean monthly temps, but I have to imagine that is pretty close to avg.
  17. was just about to post the same thing
  18. never got above 35 here today, believe yesterday we just barely hit 40, tomorrow looks about the same, temps are not frigid but not far off from climo, the perpetual favorable in 10 days I see again... still optimistic and again I leave Fri for Soflo and most likely will not be back until at least mid February, I'm hoping not that long but hopefully you guys get to see some decent snow while I'm away
  19. I'm still optimistic as well, but the kicking the can, it seems we've seen weeklies look great after (insert time period here), and as we close in on said time, all the mechanics and teles that made the outlook look favorable have turned to crap and we rain to Maine
  20. I hear you, I'm contemplating potting plants for the first planting, bet you spinach would grow with the weather we've been having, nape warms as I stand outside feeling like perpetual April here
  21. haven't been in the panic room yet, but I gotta say this is getting old hat really fast, nice looking sig, and as we close in, there's one mechanic or another that skunks us (at least SNE) out of at the least a plowable event... I was never a snowpack person, I'd be happy if we get a good storm, and it warms and melts, but we can't seem to manage that, and with me possibly being gone for maybe a month from mid January on, I may not see anything until late Feb... hoping for the best, preparing for nothing... I will say the lack of artic cold has been good as far as utility bills go, so plus there...
  22. been dying to use the new ariens since we got it, hopefully we can reign in next weekend, but I'm loosing faith, and after that I'll be staring at palm trees for weeks again
  23. yeah last year was one of lower 5 of all the records I have going back before 1900, 37.5 i believe, not in front of my computer but I think that was it
  24. had an interesting ride into work, basically at BDL... went from a little white on grass at home, to pretty sketchy slick roads top of 219 in barkhamsted, then by rt20 in Granby back to rain, top of that hill probably had an inch on all surfaces, maybe a bit more on grass etc, but definitely accumulation on roads, that was about an hour ago. here at bdl it's mixed mangled and rain
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