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Posts posted by tavwtby

  1. 8 minutes ago, Brian5671 said:

    Our tax dollars hard at work--time and a half too.

    unreal... excuse is we have to spend the money, so we get at least that allocated for next year, no thought into actually saving money... but making more potholes for job security come spring and summer, all at prevailing wage too...btw, official .8" today so far, nice little walk around in the snow was pleasant

  2. 44 minutes ago, brooklynwx99 said:

    you're telling me... christ


    lock it in! I'm just over a foot from my lowest ever recorded 2015-16, and over 60" departure from seasonal snowfall avg... need to make up ground here and nickel and dime time is not gonna do it

    • Like 3
  3. 2 hours ago, SnoSki14 said:

    Cold is much more tolerable than heat. At least you can always layer up

    doing construction a very good portion of my life, I've worked in 105F and 5F, and I'll take the 5F any day, it sucked for sure, but better than dehydration and as you said you can always layer up, fingertips be damned!

    • Like 2
  4. Just now, The 4 Seasons said:

    No thundersnow with 2/1/21, at least no reports of it that i recall seeing during the event. Last time we had widespread thundersnow in CT was Feb 9th 2017 and Mar 7th 2018.

    For a lot of areas west of 91 in New Haven and Fairfield ctys that was the biggest event since Feb 13.

    Just got finished remaking all the events for the 20-21 season if anyone's interested @WxWatcher007 you can find them here: 



    my bad thought it was 2001 not 2021... anyway think I'm wrong anyway, think it was the 2003 event

    • Like 1
  5. 34 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

    29/25 and pounding ZR at DFW. Plenty of T/TD spread for good accretion. 

    this blows for me, was expecting critical parts for my test overnight priority shipping and they delayed because of ice in Memphis and Dallas because of this, my test here is cursed I swear... now I have to wait for the weather to clear, FedEx says delayed beyond our control, how lovely

  6. 1 hour ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

    That was a good one. Not hecs but the cutoff spun south of LI for days with snow showers, giving a prolonged deep winter vibe. 

    remember thunder snow with that one I believe, if I remember correctly, that was on a weekend no? or am I thinking of a different event? anyway it's been 80-86 here in Soflo, way above normal for even here, napes tan already and it's 2/1, gonna thin the blood, been gone most of the winter this year, enjoy the artic two days up there while it's 90 here Fri!

  7. 14 minutes ago, 512high said:

    Happy early birthday! And I hope your right on snow!

    well happy birthday, and I'm still in Soflo so it'll probably snow, seems to be the theme this winter, I'm gone and there's winter at home...have to coach my son how to take care of the chickens when it gets ill cold later this week...he knows tho, animals can get wet, and can get cold, but can't get cold and wet, that's a death sentence... meanwhile it's mid 80s, and by weeks end be close to 90 here, even locals and snowbirds are saying it's warmer than usual this time of year here, so take that for what it's worth...

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