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Everything posted by FPizz

  1. A few sleet pellets came down for a few minutes earlier. Nice to see.
  2. It is, I was just saying as a kid it seemed overwhelming and didn't think I'd see anything like it again. I was quite wrong, lol. I appreciate all snow knowing that seasons like last year happen, so I enjoy what I can get.
  3. This one was the one that made me love snow. 12" of snow in CNJ as a 9 year old seemed like a ton.
  4. The 25 degree morning helped my trees drop most of their remaining leaves. Friday looking nice for some leaf cleanup.
  5. looks like some sun coming soon. cloudy and 52 for now
  6. 25.5 here. You're on the cold side of town, haha
  7. 13/14 was the 2nd best winter in my lifetime with 66" near the Rutgers area
  8. 2011 October snow I assume
  9. 39 this morning, 1st 30s this season. Lots of fog around.
  10. yup. 2 bad years out of the last 4 really warped peoples minds. 2010-2020 might have averaged the most snow for a decade we've had (or if not really close). Around here I averaged a hair under 36" for the decade and the long term 100+ year average is like 28".
  11. What is it month to date so far?
  12. 82 currently. Great day to have the pool closed, haha.
  13. Damn, wtf! I just checked my cocorahs gauge and am at 1.83". Hopefully not much more rain, my pool liner floated a bit in spots. It's amazing that you got a half inch more only like 3 or 4 miles away.
  14. I once had someone in Government telling me that we had 12 years left...the stupidity goes both ways. Being an extremist and just as bad as a denier. Plus, GW and cycles can work in tandem with each other. It doesn't have to be just GW.
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