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Everything posted by Jebman

  1. You should see those dark clouds moving over Palisades! Wow they are gonna get utterly destroyed!!!! Dark clouds are also thickening over Mammoth. This storm means bidness!!
  2. George BM - I see you readin the thread. March 1 is nearly upon us. Write us up a nice storm in the new thread. Please.
  3. Better look out. EIGHT feet of fresh snow will annihilate both Mammoth and Palisades starting tomorrow. Two to three feet each day easy. Massive atmospheric river will firehose that entire region with torrential snow. Weather system will be vigorous and laden with moisture and extremely slow moving. This is a recipe for record-breaking snow tallies and utterly exhausted ski patrols. This is also a surefire recipe for folks to make fatal mistakes. I just found out NWS Reno is classifying this as an Extreme threat. Winds at crest will gust to 125mph. My heart is brimming with pure joy!!! Snow will be wet, very heavy and heart attack provoking to the max. Touristas will struggle. Ski patrol will get severely PUNKED OUT. I will watch and absolutely savor. I am a very sick pup, no doubt about it.
  4. I am absolutely stoked. This is going to be one fun chasing season for the Ages. We are going to get treated to some ferocious THRILLING tropical systems! Just think of the papers that will be written about these weather systems! We got us a developing La Nina! What does this mean, you ask? Well La Ninas PROMOTE hurricane development. If you are a chaser, you better strap yourselves in. This is gonna be one hell of a hurricane season! One thing we better be askin ourselves: Was the 2005 hurricane season a La Nina? Was the 2020 tropical season a La Nina? Because if it was......... uh oh.
  5. BEE YOO TI FUL WEATHER today here, with 81/66!!! Wow our low was what our high temperature should be! We are in good shape! No ice this season, and we are safely nice and warm! Leaves are comin out! Grass is growing like late May already! Our fig tree has tons of leaves already! Hey, it's only February! I am absolutely LOVIN that brand shiny new fiery base state! It's been damn good for us! Bring on the Hadley Cells too! And the MJO! What we have got here, is a failure to have winter! This is the way we want it! Well, WE GET IT! We are averaging 15 to 20 degrees ABOVE normal as the Nina develops!
  6. Imma have to go on up in there and show those ski patrol types how to dig snow. They cant handle eight feet of heavy wet snow. Only The Jebman can.
  7. Speakin of Tahoe and Mammoth, they are getting 5 to 7 FEET of fresh snow Thursday thru at least Saturday! Repeat this after me: You Can NEVER, EVER get too much snow at Tahoe. We are snow enthusiasts. I want 35,000 feet of snow. I want an ice age. I want fifty feet of snow in a single delightful snowstorm with 100 mile an hour winds at 100 below zero. That is verbatim what I used to say in high school circa 1980. Thats one of the reasons I got kicked out the school system: Too fvckin CRAZY. School system threw a kegger once they threw me out and my dad cried. He was so damned embarrassed. I just would NOT shut the hell up about how much I loved the snow, absolfuckinglutely adored people slipping on the ice, loved 2000 mile backups on I 95 and total humanitarian crises! I just get crazier and crazier about extreme weather, be it meters and meters of snow in record cold and ice so deep people can't even get out of their houses! Or super hurricanes with 260mph sustained winds and storm surges that will cover the 6th floor of buildings with horrific waves that I then get to savor on youtube because of courageous storm chasers. THERE IS NEVER TOO MUCH SNOW. EVEN IN THE DONNER PARTY. EVEN IN THE ANDES IN 1972 WHEN YOUR PLANE CRASHES. EVEN DESCENDING FROM THE EVEREST SUMMIT IN MAY 1996 IN BLINDING SNOW, -85 WINDCHILLS, INSUFFICIENT OXYGEN, SHERPAS ARE EXHAUSTED, WITH PROFESSIONAL CLIMBERS TUMBLING OFF THE HILLARY STEP ONTO SHARP ROCKS THOUSANDS OF FEET BELOW. Even if we were getting an ice age tomorrow. Even if it killed 8 billion people. There can never be too much snow. For those who think there can be too much snow, the shiny new fiery base state will take good care of you. Because Global Warming is real. Runaway greenhouse warming is real - and already underway. We hit 81/68 today in Texas. Its February. Leaves are coming out. The lawn is already 18 inches tall in places and I have to use a push mower. I am still crazy Ivan about snow and nearly 60 years old. I wub Alta, because they have this thing called Interlodge. I worship it. Long live the heavy snow at Tahoe. May there always be way too much snow at Tahoe, and ski patrol falls over from too damn much avalanche mitigation. Maybe the ski patrol gets avalanched, because of excessive amounts of snow lmfao! May five hundred record atmospheric rivers obliterate the Sierra with so much snow, they cant even find the ski resorts! May there always be extremely heavy wet snow at Tahoe, dozens of feet of it, and the ski patrol gets to get totally punked out because they have to dig their ski patrol shacks out of so much extremely heavy wet snow, that falls on them again and again and again and again! And the TOURISTA gets to struggle in the heavy wet Sierra Cement, and I get to savor it on YouTube on my beloved 5G tablet! Yeah. I'm a very very extremely sick puppy. YouTube publishers get rich from sickos like myself watching those vids many thousands of times. Isn't this an incredible world? 5G is out and I can watch this stuff EVERYWHERE NOW!!!!!!!!!!! Especially Mammoth getting obliterated by possibly seven or eight feet of snow this weekend!
  8. The shiny new hot base state has brought south Texas some upper 60s dewpoints today, along with 80 degree ambient temps and some fleecy cirrus! I have to move branches today. I am gonna get a real good introduction to the early inception of full-on Spring to our part of the CONUS. We also already have 5 to 10 percent leafout. This is all quite early for us, even down here.
  9. If we can hit 60s dewpoints in Feb, maybe we can have 80s dewpoints in July or even earlier! Imagine the heat index!!!!!!! This brand shiny new Base State is so intriguing! Between the base state and the superheated oceans, we should have incredible severe weather and unbelievable hurricanes! We just might have to have EF 6 designated tornadoes and Category 6 designated hurricanes! I ADORE rising water levels SO MUCH! I am so in pure worshipful LOVE with this!
  10. I hope you get to enjoy ten feet of freshies!!!!!
  11. It's 81/61!!! We are enjoying low 60s dewpoints alongside brilliant Texas sunshine! Hey, we are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of the curve! It's only February! Normal highs/lows are 65/45! We are batting 100,000 up in here! The southeasterlies are getting established!!!!!! Every day I give tearful, heartfelt thanks for the fiery Venusian base state! Hurricane season is gonna be a BLAST! The oceans are gonna be very hot and we will get to enjoy some super wild weather!
  12. Hope your knee heals up fast.
  13. Damn that new base state and the hadley cells. If you enjoy summer you are in luck, we are also going into a Nina. Should be super hot with lots of severe hurricanes.
  14. Change the title to I've fuckin' HAD IT! I GIVE UP! Its NEVER gonna snow again!
  15. I'm frackin' jealous! You got me beat today. All we got was 80.
  16. I am so jealous. Sierra is gonna get obliterated again by feet of fresh snow come late next week! Palisades and Mammoth may get buried by as much as six feet of freshies beginning as soon as March 1! If I was there then I'd be dancing around like a fracking lunatic!
  17. Its going to be a terrifically burning hot summer with a ton of unusually strong hurricanes. Spring is going to be hellish too. Isn't the new fiery base state FUN in the developing high sun season?!!!!! I am so glad I dont live on the beach. It is not worth it. Poor Miami, poor Houston, poor New Orleans, poor ANYONE on the coast, even New York City. Really poor NYC lmao. I am so safe from hurricanes way up here in central Texas, I just wanna BRAG! We dont get hurricanes. We got super HOT and we get DROUGHT.
  18. You want snow. Head to Palisades or Mammoth late next week. Five inches of liquid will fall as snow. Very high probability of four to six feet of snow! When that snow hits, check out this webcam https://www.mammothmountain.com/on-the-mountain/mammoth-webcam/main-lodge
  19. I am thinking of changing MY screen name to Warminista, lmfao
  20. 80 degrees in Buda, in FEBRUARY! WE are doing very good, right on track for a record warm EARLY SPRING then a HELL HOT SUMMER with all time record highs! Maybe even some 105/83 conditions in direct July Texas sunshine! I'd enjoy some 129 heat indices! While working outside at 3pm in direct brilliant Texas sunshine! This is gonna be GOOD!
  21. Too bad we cant have a big storm off that fast jet.
  22. I am NOT being sarcastic. I am so happy I want to happily scream this from the housetops, until I am hoarse! We hit 90 degrees in Buda TX today! I could not be happier! No ice this year, Summer is ALREADY upon us down here! This, is why we enjoy one of the longest growing seasons on the planet! Yeah. Its summer, in February. What winter? I am now cheering on the fiery Venusian Base State! And, the Arabian Jet extension! Texas might one day be summer all year round! If the Hadley Cell brings hot weather, Bring it the heck on!
  23. No its not. We got one more snowstorm!
  24. I see a lot of morose and dispirited people up in here. But I emphatically tell you, your salvation lies in the Sierra. These magnificent mountains NEVER EVER let you down! DC will let you down. Boston will let you down. The Great Lakes will let you down. But everlasting happiness and bliss will be found in the high Sierran Cordillera, every time! Mammoth resort is getting smashed by snow every night! Ditto for the Palisades! The Hadley Cells and MJO fails and fiery Venus hot new base state do not ever phase the mighty Sierra blizzards! https://www.mammothmountain.com/on-the-mountain/mammoth-webcam/main-lodge
  25. 90s are forecast for Central Texas soon and I am absolutely beside myself with pure JOY! We might even get treated to lows in the mid 70s! In late FEB!!!! And in early March! Go developing Nina GO!!!!
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