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Everything posted by blackngoldrules

  1. Looks that way. We've gotten used to that around here for many years now. It was nice to have some storms that we actually lucked out on for a change. We had to know that wasn't going to last in this area. Lol
  2. I'm probably different and in the minority here, but I'm pretty much a big storm kinda guy. The little spurts of snow never did much for me. I'd honestly rather have a 50 degree day and get a foot or more of snow from a storm, than nickels and dimes and continuous cold. Philly gets less snow than us for sure overall most winters, but being closer to the coast, has better chances at the big record breaking storms. Not whining or anything lol, that's just me.
  3. It's actually 33 where I'm at now. Just took a ride to the store. Roads aren't all that bad now. Mostly wet and some slushiness. Still be careful if you have to go out, even here. I was mainly on 88. Side streets could still be worse.
  4. I wonder what made them switch back to all snow with the models trending toward mixed precip and less snow?
  5. Still trending in the wrong direction unfortunately. Looks like a slopstorm now. If this keeps going further northwest, we may end up with very little snow out of it. Oh well. We've seen this show before over the years. It is what it is.
  6. I agree and I kinda said something similar above. What I said was just more personal to me. This is just a hobby, it's not life or death. Just something to occupy our time and enjoy. Whatever happens happens. We still look pretty good for Monday but even if it's a bust, we've done well this winter.
  7. After what I've been through personally, missing on a storm doesn't even bother me anymore. I'm just trying to enjoy the hobby again and having storms to track, even if we miss on one, is something to keep me occupied. We'll see what tomorrow brings with the models. We've seen this go both ways in the past, although we've been pretty fortunate so far this season.
  8. Yeah, that is a pretty significant change in one run this close. Hopefully the NAM isn't on to something. GFS and Euro will be interesting.
  9. I would never expect them to say -19 this far out, but they did have me at a high of 16 next Friday and they changed it pretty quickly to a high of 30, so I think initially they were going in between but now they're pretty much on board with the Euro.
  10. NWS seems to be buying what the Euro is showing based on their forecast. They usually do learn toward the Euro.
  11. I've been seeing a mix but sometimes it comes down as all snow and it's huge flakes. I've always loved the size of the snow flakes when it's getting ready to mix or change over.
  12. I just call off or start late, I don't care how much it pisses off any bosses. No job is worth risking your life for. Mine sure isn't. If I got killed in a car wreck, they'd replace me like it's nothing. I work in an "essential" industry too but I'm just a body to them. I've killed myself for my company for 21 years and they treat me like crap basically so screw them! Lol
  13. Same here. That warm air usually wins out and gets us here, but hopefully it stays where it's at and doesn't come any further north.
  14. Being on the county border, this is what I was worried about here. By the time the precip starts up again here, wouldn't surprise me if it's rain.
  15. I'm in Follansbee, WV visiting my mother-in-law. Going to stay the night and spend Christmas with her tomorrow. Snowing moderately here. Looks like a fun night snow watching here. WSW here for 5 to 8 inches.
  16. Latest advisory cut the snow total down a little but added freezing rain and sleet to the mix. Has the changeover to all snow not until after midnight locally.
  17. That's what I'm hoping we get as well. I don't think the snow will last long once the front moves through, but it may be a very heavy burst of snow that gives us a few quick inches. Typically these changeover scenarios don't work out for us. Usually, it's maybe a dusting or half inch on the backend and we're done. I'm hoping this will be different with more wraparound moisture off of the low riding up the front.
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