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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. First rainers of winter are disruptive and dangerous, apparently.
  2. It’s going to very spotty/light during the day but should get into more steady stuff by nightfall.
  3. Looks like a little weenie upslope in the wct hills off this east fetch.
  4. I kid but your posts are always depressing. Always so angry at winter. Funny...but depressing.
  5. I can’t see a scenario where NMA doesn’t greatly benefit from.
  6. I get it but we will need more models to back the idea.
  7. Can’t knee jerk on a forecast every time a result prints. Holy emotions.
  8. Sleet line looks like it hit a wall just N of 84.
  9. Happy Birthday @weathafella. Enjoy. 26F/Light sleet. Light snow now.
  10. @40/70 Benchmark the ene jack is a result of the vort sling shot at a perfect time but the early capture tucked in look because of the somewhat buckled flow is correct. Everything trended towards the UK on the tucked in look. Now, the secondary enhancement is well timed and nuts. Congrats.
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