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Everything posted by RedSky

  1. First a chance of showers was added to Thursday and now Friday too are you kidding me
  2. Yeah crazy kinda wet September. Softball size mushrooms appearing too under a canopy of mosquitoes Fire hose inbound jeebus crackers
  3. It's dry outside OMG could it be a showery day fail!
  4. Worst September weather in memory for me, our usually most benign dry month of the year behaving like May 2003. Three more days of showers pending they added Wednesday oh joy. Thinking I need that Elon Musk flame thrower to tackle the mosquitoes.
  5. There's like one mosquito per cubic foot out here thanks to the rain
  6. 75F at midnight, repeating the same old hot song
  7. Only 72F far undercutting the forecast highs again, winning
  8. What a relief to get some days that feel like fall
  9. Next week would have been another heat wave but the hurricane is preventing it, unless it keeps tracking away even further south that is.
  10. Yesterday and today not one drop of rain
  11. Don't look now but GFS has us getting close to 90F next week 78F out at 1am what happened to the front
  12. Kickoff delayed to inclement weather lol
  13. 97F high just ludicrous again in other news radar for the likely showers 8-11pm looks like crap
  14. 77F low and 88F Horrible extended summer
  15. 93f Why is tomorrow going to be cooler? Noticed Thursday now looks like 90's. The thermostat of the world is broken up up and away.
  16. 78.4F not in a big city near midnight in September is absurd
  17. Ah the old brick oven schools obviously designed to bake the devil outta ya like the fires of hell
  18. Still sunny here and up to 82F, it's close to hot with the sun. Can see on satellite this little section of east central Jersey is the only place in the midatlantic that is sunny with a black hole that won't fill in. What in the universe is going on here i was looking forward to a cool day in a sea of hot lol.
  19. So far a mostly sunny day and up to 80F. Cloudy?
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