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Everything posted by RedSky

  1. I think it's a death sentence when it occurs in an otherwise toaster bath pattern .
  2. One could see GFS toying with a snow look at 210 hours, WE DON"T WANT THAT!. 0z ECM hinted at it too with an anomalous eastern trough.
  3. 2012 looks like La Nina on that chart?
  4. With this October a mirror image of last, Let's hope the winter doesn't follow suit with a three month torch followed by a cold snowy March yuck
  5. It's hit or miss with that in the analogs, but does it really matter with old analogs anymore?
  6. It's like three or four days of average temperatures with a building ridge and a return to warmth behind it. Could make a run for a record October which was set LAST year. Balancing out how?
  7. It feels like a mid summer night outside 73F and high humidity, AC is running
  8. Have the AC on at 1am October 5th because it's 73F outside and 78F inside, can it get any more absurd
  9. Next week projects warmer than this week. Who remembers when we use to talk about indian summer in October?
  10. August is now the second July, September is the new August and October is the new September and this transition has happened scary quick. Not sure what you want to call November, maybe a cold October
  11. Thundershower back building too that also hasn't happened in some time.
  12. Here too and the only one of note since one I had early in summer season. Real fast however ten minute storm.
  13. Why even look at the weeklies they are going down biggley for October
  14. It was suppose to vaporize before reaching me currently, looks great on radar I don't have long to wait.
  15. I want to be where first frosts hit by October 1st and winter starts in mid November with first snow, but not overkill cold and snow. Probably central New England areas I imagine.
  16. 55F low The signal for warmth keeps expanding in the long range, El Nino instead of La Nina but doesn't matter similar Hotober coming. Hotober or Tropicaltober lol.
  17. Just what winter tracking needed more ECM runs to add to the infinite confusion.
  18. It went from swamp azz to cool dry and comfortable out in the blink of an eye, or the next time I went outside
  19. No storms just an all out liquid air bomb downpour wow
  20. This is truly astonishing because three days ago Thursday and Friday were universally modeled to be dry days, I was so relieved and looking forward too it. How could a system appear from nowhere?
  21. There was much talk of cool weather coming the first week of October, now it's turning into a humid October heat wave.
  22. The Yugo of weather radars in the shop again
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