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Everything posted by RedSky

  1. Check out the GFS#2 at hour 330 for more hilarity as a southern ice storm is snow to mix here with the low exiting east off hatteras but that is only after another snow ice event in the south just days after our next rainstorm lol lock it in
  2. You can feel there will be one big storm coming probably in February that will prevent an unmitigated disaster
  3. I have given up new weeklies that bad? If so i welcome it.
  4. Were living in the payback years for 2010-2015 period it had to come 2016-2019 A one storm winter, a big dud, a late winter with melty snow in the strong sun angle and now this abomination.
  5. ECM is .5" snow for Bucks and Monmouth equally in the battle for the fraction of an inch storm
  6. Good if that one fails bring on early spring and shoot this dead horse winter
  7. Hey the Ukie beefed up it's qpf to .1-.2.0" for our mid counties, up from .01" lol Feels like a fake reality we get a hundred inches of rain and now straining to squeeze out a couple of tenths with the first storm chance since mid November. Unreal My worst possible nightmare from three days ago of two southern sliders sandwiched between a crapload of cutters is going to happen
  8. How soon we forget the ECM has done this before the last couple winters with false hope in the 96-120hr time frame. Especially painful considering the circumstances this year.
  9. ECM is .80" for all give or take a little, light years better than the Ukie .01"
  10. I like the .01 improvement on the Ukie from 0.0 any chance i can get some more
  11. They had the inverted trough last month too their horse will be leading the pack by ten lengths.
  12. GFS and Canadian have started the cave to the euro. I hope.
  13. Victory is mine i saw all flakes and no rain today, the irony is i was in Qtown for it
  14. We need the bounce to fall inside the goal posts...
  15. Interesting the ECM ensembles look like the GFS and GEM ops but shifted 40 miles north. Its a razor thin line to disaster.
  16. I understand the gem and gfs lost in the forest but the ukie is really making this complicated
  17. For the regions eternal optimists i know there are a few we still have the GEFS so the ECM doesn't have to be totally on an island
  18. Word on the street is the 12z Ukie got squashed
  19. Anybody notice the next system around the 19th on the 0z euro and the 12z GFS is an inland runner , it's like filling the corpse with bullet holes at that point lol
  20. No sugar coating this but going the wrong way at 12z with a system now inside 96hrs in a season of snakebite is not where you want to be.
  21. It's awesome how the GFS and GEM both carve out the exact confluence notch that screws Qtown and Monmouth equally.
  22. 0z ECM juiced up to a region wide 4-5"(kuchera) - wrong time stamp at first look but overall a little more juiced 2-4" non kuchera 0z Ukie driest of all the runs
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