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Everything posted by MJO812

  1. Wow very nice I'm on the job rigjt now. 6 years
  2. According to Michael Ventrice, the tropics are going to stay active for the next few weeks. Should be an interesting couple of weeks.
  3. Gfs clips coastal Maine with heavy rain and wind.
  4. We all do It's so close but thanks to the trough , its going to be kicked out.
  5. Hoping for a big west shift tomorrow along with the other weenies.
  6. It has been getting close for a few runs. Need he magical northwest trend .
  7. Stay safe everyone Dorian keeps strengthening
  8. Hopefully this storm trends west The weather has been boring up here
  9. Very close to a phase but just missed it thanks to the NAO Imagine Jeez
  10. Euro has a massive bomb way offshore. Imagine if it was near our area ? The storm just missed the phase on the Euro. Really close to a hurricane up here. Thanks to the positive NAO, that will not be happening.
  11. People on social media are angry at Josh and think he is just for the spot light.
  12. Media is starting to mention about Dorian possibly affecting our area
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