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Everything posted by MJO812

  1. Unheard of with snow in the teens 3-5 Inch snow band in NYC
  2. Gefs and other models were showing the AO tanking for a while. It went negative but never tanked. Big failure
  3. Gefs and other models were showing the AO tanking for a while. It went negative but never tanked. Big failure
  4. Write off an area on February 21 ? No way but it doesn't look good .
  5. We have a chance but what this is going to do is delay Spring .
  6. I still believe we have a shot in March. These don't look bad at all.
  7. I still look at the models when I wake up to see if there is anything exciting on it. Not throwing in the towel yet.
  8. Gefs has a more defined cluster for New England
  9. Definitely It's amazing how everyone is below average. Boston is only at 9.7. They will most likely see more snow but they will also end up below average. Maybe we will get lucky in March but it's a long shot.
  10. We need a positive PDO
  11. You know it's going to happen and mess up Spring.
  12. And the weeklies But at least some areas got 2 accumulating snow events . That's why we should take the long range with a grain of salt. I have to give you props. You never believed the epic patterns that others said was going to happen.
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