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Mount Joy Snowman

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Everything posted by Mount Joy Snowman

  1. Nice little shower that popped up right on my doorstep here. Again, another grass-pleaser.
  2. Completely agree. I said the same at the time, and I also concur that we won't see anything like it again.
  3. I remember it well. My buddy who runs a pizza shop near the airport called me to say he had almost a foot of snow and I was like what the hell are you talking about haha. See below for LNP's writeup of the event including thoughts from Horst (note this was written before the event ended so totals ended up much higher). Also, I see what you did there with the use of tomfoolery! It was the wintertime equivalent of a summer downpour. What could be called a snow thunderstorm, minus the thunder, dumped more than 4 inches of snow by 11 p.m. on parts of Lancaster County Tuesday, but other parts did not see a single flake. "For some people in Lancaster County, this could be the biggest snowstorm of the season, while for others, they're saying, 'What snow?' " Millersville University meteorologist Eric Horst said. Horst said the wintry deluge was caused by an arctic air mass moving into the area, meeting the tail edge of a storm that dropped a dusting of snow on much of the county earlier Tuesday. "This is where the leading edge of the arctic air is meeting the exiting storm," Horst said. "It's like a boundary, a mini front, that is producing this snow squall." The front produced a curving band of heavy snow, Horst said, and "if you're under it, you're going, 'My goodness.' " Radar seemed to show the storm set up over the heart of Manheim Township, extending on a line from Route 30 near Lancaster city, north toward Neffsville, on up to Lititz and Brickerville. The storm, Horst said, is "remarkably stationary," the type of storm "that sets up over an area and just pounds somebody for an hour or two, like a gutter-gushing thunderstorm would." "It's like a thunderstorm that doesn't move," he said. "So basically, 80 percent of Lancaster County is seeing nothing, but if you're under this narrow band of heavy snow squalls, it's just dumping." The snow began about 8:30 p.m., and by 10:30 p.m., Richard Wolf, who lives near Landis Valley, had "5 inches of snow at my house." "We're getting blasted," Wolf said. PennDOT has responded by putting all 66 trucks on the road, Rick Ferguson, the assistant county maintenance manager, said. "We have a full shift on until midnight and another full shift coming in at midnight," he said Tuesday night. "They'll work until … noon." Though the storm is not hitting the entire county, Ferguson said trucks will do their regular routes "because we don't know where it might move to."
  4. Here is a courtesy yard pic for Bubbler. Even those few tufts of brown I believe are just areas where my kids engaged in some sort of tomfoolery ha.
  5. .1” here from that nice little T&L complex that moved through around 3-4am. These little events might not do much for the overall drought conditions but they have sure been keeping the grass happy, especially when timed right (i.e. not falling during peak solar hours).
  6. My perfect day: 65, partly to mostly sunny, DP 50, and a slight NW breeze.
  7. Low of 67 and a three-day rain total of .16". Should be a pretty classic mid-summer type of week. The national high/low are especially notable today for (1) the extreme nature of the high and (2) the first time in a looooong while and perhaps since last summer that I've seen a low above freezing. Anyway, the winners were 128 at Death Valley and Stovepipe Wells, CA and 34 at 'ol reliable Peter Sinks, UT.
  8. A low of 68 here and a robust .07” of rain. I need to sneak a mow in later today before these potential gutter gushers move through. A lot of water to be wrung out from these skies for those who get (un)lucky.
  9. No worries mate. I’m actually happy with it. Cooled things off for most of the evening and was a nice peaceful rainfall. I see Harrisburg is being hit again by some popups. Those guys just can’t miss this year ha.
  10. I was on the edge of that drenching that Training got. A nice light rain fell for quite a while that amounted to about .06”. Enough to make the grass smile a wee bit.
  11. On the board here. Got nicked by a passing storm to the tune of .01”. Drought over.
  12. Yes! However, when Ron was my coach it was actually when I was on Mount Joy Red for Midget-Midget (now 12-U). Going back to like 93-94 now. Have many fond memories of Ron and his assistant Wayne. He used to give me rides to practice when my mom couldn’t get home in time. You know him?
  13. Oh wow, I’ll have to look into that. Congrats coach! I played on Mount Joy Blue back in the mid 90s and we lost a couple times in the New Era Tournament (now LNP) to the Jeff Smoker-led Manheim teams. Yes that Jeff Smoker, the starting QB for Michigan State and a solid NFL career. I see that Manheim and Donegal are currently playing for the 12-U title. I always get a bit nostalgic going back to Kunkel Field.
  14. Was just gonna say something about that. Might yet be some isolated winners tonight, although surely not us haha. Hey, you follow the LNP little league baseball tourney at all?
  15. Heck yeah, being in and around water is the one time you kind of want the humidity. Gotta keep that wetbulb temp up on your skin so you don't feel cold when you get out of the water haha. Throw a few back for me, perhaps more than a few.
  16. I had the same thought haha. Low of 64 here. Looks like we may see our muggiest weather of this season this weekend. Yuck.
  17. Wow, that just happened haha. Great minds.....
  18. As I've said before, is it a cold-wave when it's 35 or less for three straight days in January? Oh it's not? Then get the F out of here with that nonsense haha.
  19. I will be curious to see how publicly available the data is made. From reading an LNP article on it the other day, it wasn't clear to me if it's going to be primarily for university use or widely distributed to the public. I also got the impression that companies like RadarScope won't have access to it. Hope I'm wrong. Can't imagine they wouldn't want it to be widely available given all the hoopla about it.
  20. A beautiful 62 degrees when I left the house this morning, which was also my low.
  21. Yeah for whatever reason there have never been many active stations in Franklin. I found one that has reported within the last week but that's it, and even they appear to be inconsistent in their reporting. Adams has plenty. Fulton, as you would expect, has never had anything haha. Join up Bubbs!
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