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Everything posted by DJln491

  1. my snowblower has become like my parent's treadmill in the 90s - a coat rack in the garage
  2. If SNE can get a big hit in the next few weeks I'll carry a log on my shoulders through the snowpack. and then pass out
  3. That was basically porn for Ct people. Such a tease
  4. soon. in my defense...that's a weird map
  5. lol. clearly indicated where it says in big letters Tues 1pm, which I clearly missed.
  6. 2/27 on GFS. Hey now. I mean still a ways away but not THAT far. Something fun to watch over the next few days
  7. Heading to Whiteface in a couple weeks. Would take that weenie map for sure
  8. 9” at BDL? Did I sleep thru a storm or something? More like 4”
  9. In New Haven. According to my phone it’s 37 degrees. Some flakes flying
  10. maybe he's a weenie and he's using reverse psychology to try to summon the snow gods
  11. as a Canadian I can confirm, we do get drunk quite a bit. that and drywall
  12. How long til it pulls the rug out? I say couple days and then GFS will show nothing for that timeframe and models will then lock in and not budge. lol
  13. I grew up near Lake Winnipesaukee. I was a college student home on break. It was surreal. Like the apocalypse had just happened. The impact it had on the woods/forests for years to come was amazing. Can probably still see some effects. Massive trees completely bent over with their tips touching the ground, many of which never recovered. We headed a little south and everything was fine. shacked up in hotel rooms with my parents and a couple of their friends. My dad grumbling that he had to pay for a hotel room so close to his house. lol.
  14. "it's a shit airmass" hmm where have I heard that before? Oh that's right, before every storm for SNE.
  15. Storm on the GFS heading out to search for the titanic. bon voyage
  16. that 12z GFS run must be bad. not one mention of it. or I guess it's probably just the same
  17. I’ll take it if it reduces the sweltering heat.
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