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Everything posted by IowaStorm05

  1. I think that a report of a suspiciously low snowfall amount amongst high ones means somebody started drinking during the storm and has become intoxicated after early measurements, thus failing to provide a late or final measurement.
  2. On earth you have ice storms. But on some planets, you have glass storms.
  3. At 6:10pm there was light rain with scattered ice crusties in it in East Lyme, but roads were clear. Travelling up 395 I slowed from 55mph to 45-50mph as I sleet mixed in and it was 32 degrees. Just north of exit 6 is where I began seeing slush on the sides of the freeway. The interstate itself began deteriorating by about exit 13... where I got off and headed up 32. Deep into Franklin an already slush-riddled road became crusty and icy as I travelled up into the hills on rt32. It was 6:30pm. Traffic was a rate of 35mph in a 45mph zone.
  4. Back edge coming in…. Things looking up for me for keeping my feet dry.
  5. BECAUSE I GET WET. Yesterday was downright awful and it wasnt even cold. It isnt for me but I go because I am kinda committed. I am like Newman on seinfeld. I should call out in the rain. I don't enjay. Truth is I am outside for a total of 4.5 out of 5 hours exposed to the elements. I don't have as good of gear as I should have now for some reason. that stuff is expensive and I have been lucky up through now to not be caught in rain often.
  6. Meh, maybe not much for ice will happen but I see these heavy rain bands still incoming now. It won't end soon enough for my liking, and while we are under these heavier bands I will hide from my supervisors and from the outdoors, whether I get in trouble or not. I am not about to get soaked in 33 degree rain. I have gear but it only helps so much....
  7. Stalled out temporarily at 34F for 11am. I kind of want this to hurry up in order to time our driving to be most likely to be after roads have been treated. The scariest part are when things are deteriorating but have not been addressed, because often people are still driving at speed.
  8. An earthquake of a 2.0 - 2.9 magnitude is small and if youre more than a few miles away you may not feel it. However, I was once at a friends house when a 2.0 quake ripped right under our block. It sounded and felt like a truck had driven into the house, but our hood was the only in town who felt it!! A 2.9 however is much larger than 2.0 and 2.9 likely had a truck-into-house effect over a much larger area. Should you ever experience a 5.5 or 6.0 quake rip centered right under your house you are in deep sh*t.
  9. Good, this way maybe I won't get Uncle Vince'd outside at work by bone-chilling rain.
  10. As of 8:52am KIJD reports 36F degrees. Costco sells a fancy looking and colorful weather station but my mom wont let me approach the prospect of poking holes in the window screen and even then, might not be able to install it properly because it is an apartment building after all, property ownership issues, roof access etc. It's my parking lot and I'll cry if I want to.
  11. My current 38 degree reading may also just be a small pocket of cold fog off the snowpack that is in shock and dying at the station too.
  12. I am seeing the high quality cameras, and I am jealous of their enjayment. Phin is expecting 16 inches. I was looking at potential for 30 inches last week and didnt even break a foot. Very jealous.
  13. It appears that cold front must be advancing more robustly, because the temperature is SEVEN DEGREES BELOW FORECAST for the hour.
  14. I have seen a couple of models and forecasts showing a triangular shaped intrusion of slightly warmer air into central CT from the south.
  15. With this type of event closing in tomorrow, I am thinking what is a good speed to drive if you dont detect ice yet? If it is icy obviously you would crawl... But my mom and I will be driving home at 3pm and 6pm respectively. For the former, if there was no obvious ice yet but temps were below freezing with rain I would not exceed 50mph on I95 and I would do 35-40 in a 50mph zone. Time and again I notice that humans do not respect icy or snowy conditions, especially SUV and TRUCK drivers, and they like to approach the speed limit that is posted for ideal conditions. Gets people killed all the time. Forecast calling for freeze line to reach Norwich around 11am tomorrow... So one good outlook would be things to be past-frozen and already treated. Then everybody would be crawling. Because to me the most dangerous circumstance is getting caught in it right when the freeze is happening, before treatment has been put down because many folks will still be doing the speed limit (or worse) when this goes down. I find however that in snow, Connecticut drives safer than Iowa.
  16. Nestled in the juniper-laden hills north of Reno, NV was my aunt and uncle's house where they lived for 40 years. It was 1992-1993 when almost everybody had a big winter. Reno got like 75 inches that winter. Anyway we had enough snow drifted onto the side of a ravine for my cousins and sister and I to make a tunnel system. It was steep and I got the wind knocked out of me sledding. Scariest feeling ever. I want to go spend time someplace that promises annually deep enough snow for an adult to make tunnels. That is not very many places. Lee of Lake UP MI, or HIGH up in the Northern Cascades. This type of snow happens elsewhere in mountain climes often enough but only on good years. But I have never made margaritas with snow. While I might have a margarita at a restaurant, I usually do not drink in front of my family and if I do drink, I sip whiskey.
  17. This looks exact to me for my location at my Frog Bridge parking lot. I can report that on Fri 1/28 at 7am we would have 1 inch of crusty snow on NORTH sides of buildings but it was pretty spotty. The 1/7/22 snow lingered. Storm total was 9" and that all looks right. Part of me wonders if SE CT had a modest screw zone for the James Blizzard that hugged my route to and from work. RT 32 from my parking lot down to Franklin then down 395 to 95 at East Lyme seems to have had I would say a maximum of about 13 inches at its greatest. There were big drifts but I Cannot fathom any 17-20 inch totals anywhere there, and I believe that this entire area was just west of the best death bands, or that they were in the death bands as I saw on Radar, but strong winds blew the material to the east and it was not replaced from the lighter west.
  18. What do you guys do when winter ends? I know my WX interests fade in by Mid-March. For about 45 days it is drizzle doldrums in this region. Not as bad in interior tho as RI. I enjoy summer storms but I don't do as much tracking... At best I lurk
  19. The trick is to eat them when theye full on your salad with almonds. You hear a slight rustling on your crisp romaine.
  20. I have talked about V-day 07 for its lack of snow for Westerly. But what I have not mentioned was that it placed a thin sheet of ice on roofs, driveways and other surfaces. A similar phenomenon happened here in Willi in early 2020 albeit was a much smaller storm. What is notable about these two events with their ice is that the layer of ice sat on top of an underside composed of liquid water. Water of slight but various depth would pool or run underneath the crust of ice.
  21. Snowstorms are relatively safe enough to enjoy and feel good about. The casualties of major ice storms make them profoundly unwanted, if not tragic, as immediate effects to humans. Though I gather that ice storms actually act as some sort of cleansing and processing of deciduous ecosystems.
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