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Everything posted by ineedsnow

  1. I got to work Sunday night my 40 minute drive would be 2 hours if it snowed a good amount.. I'll take wednesday for sure.
  2. Dumping fat flakes. Won't last long though looking at the radar
  3. That band in northern CT is starting to look better hope it comes up here
  4. This seems a little high but we'll see
  5. Ya even if qpf isn't robust ratios look pretty good.. Most snow maps are based on 10 to 1. Think we can do 15 to 1 for northern ct into southern NH... Also some probably aren't posting much since we just had a storm with many more to come by the looks of it..
  6. Winter storm warning here now LFG!!!
  7. 4 to 6 seems good around here... Got the next 4 nights off to enjoy it
  8. Actually brings it to northern ct
  9. Half a inch of qpf here and still going at 33
  10. Just looked at the Euro and was thinking where the heck is the storm lol
  11. I'll take the 967mb just east of the cape
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