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Everything posted by ineedsnow

  1. ICON destroys wow that would be a fun drive to work
  2. Light snow again here with heavier burst
  3. Box map has me in 4 to 6 its not real and not sure why it shows up like that lol
  4. Honestly not sure but definitely over a foot
  5. Starting my 35th Birthday off good watching it rip outside!!!!
  6. Had a brief 20 min lull now ripping again
  7. Hole over me and still snowing really good out
  8. Honestly haven't been out to measure in awhile.. Guessing 12 or so but hard to say for sure... Will try to measure once little weenie goes to bed
  9. Definitely wasn't expecting this yesterday lol
  10. I wouldn't be shocked if I get 16 maybe 18 here now this is so awesome!!! Radar looks great still!!!!
  11. This band is relentless here!!! Loving it!!!
  12. But probably get more than that after 7 anyways..
  13. Massive flakes got to be snowing 2 inches an hour. Radar looks great!
  14. Event total still says 6 for here. I was a little over 7 About 20 minutes ago and ripping
  15. This band on radar seems to have slowed over me.. Loving it!
  16. Point and click only has us getting another 1 to 2 inches.. BOX Fail!
  17. Box about to bust low here already and more to come
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