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Posts posted by toolsheds

  1. 16 minutes ago, H2O said:

    My kid was wearing jeans today.  Smart.  But also wore a crop top which as a dad of a daughter :yikes:


    61 glorious degrees.  

    I'm with you on the way daughters dress.  Did the jeans at least not have any rips?   Seems that is still a trend these days. 

    My daughter started crocheting tops....and has made a few crop tops to my dismay. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, Mrs.J said:

    No covered bridge in Baker Park. It is downtown Frederick, runs through the middle of the city. 

    No Baker park has always been here. But it used to flood regularly as Carroll Creek runs through it. The city many years ago after a big flood invested in a water diversion system. The creek has spill ways into underground tunnels that helps to carry flood waters away. The creek runs through and does not flood. Carrol Creek Linear Park is the other park it attaches to. 

    May have been Loys Station Covered Bridge east of Thurmont. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, 87storms said:

    Baker park in Frederick has some legitimate flooding. I’m here right now. Carroll creek has had enough.

    Wasn't Baker park created to be flood runoff?  I thought that was its purpose, and it does that very well. 

    • Like 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, mappy said:

    holy **** did the EAS alert just scare the shit out of me

    i saw the velocity scans to your west and thought that it would be warned soon. 


    I also got the EAS warnings, but am nowhere near the TOR Red Box.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Cobalt said:

    Thank you! I'm going to JMU. My dad went into the business school in the 90s so I'm following in his footsteps. Unfortunately the school doesn't offer any meteorology courses, but I'm pretty content on pursuing the business management career path.

    Good Luck this year.  Luckily the weather will break for you soon.  My son moved into his dorm on Friday and he was fortunate enough to have one with air conditioning.  The one next door to his had none and it was brutal in the 95 degree heat. 

  6. 1 minute ago, vastateofmind said:

    Had this same thought upon rolling out of bed this AM, given that I raced to mow the lawns prior to sunset yesterday. Mrs. V and I slept like sh*t -- wx radio started blaring the initial TOR watch around 12:30-ish, with a couple STWs firing up the wx klaxon each in the 2 and 4 a.m. hours. To your primary point -- lightning seemed pretty vivid for each of the warnings....but thunder was indeed very muffled and subdued over the past several hours.

    Of course, I'll take a semi-sleepless night any day over having flash flooding runoff pouring into my ground floor apartment -- those poor folks in Rockville.  :( 

    Totally agree.  I really hope that the two unaccounted individuals were somewhere else. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, H2O said:

    Ch 9 here had more video of water pouring in thru a closed front door and multiple cars pushed by water and damaged.  Just awful.

    They also had some dumpsters knocked over.   Wonder if they took a cue from Cantore? 

    • Haha 2
  8. 6 minutes ago, H2O said:

    The thing that got me on tilt about Cantore was he purposefully stood at the end of an alley way where winds funneled between buildings jacking up wind speed artificially. It is for theatrics

    totally agree.  At least poor old AL Roker was getting lashed by the waves. :-)     

    He had to try and get some street cred within the meteorologist community. 


  9. 16 minutes ago, WxWatcher007 said:


    “Is your oar hitting ground?”



    I saw that and thought the same thing, right before they asked.  Didn't she say that they wouldn't let her in the deep water? 

    When I was watching Cantore yesterday, I thought that he may have had his crew push that dumpster through the shot to simulate the wind.  It had to be staged that way. 

  10. Question for those who know a ton more than I do. I know what an outflow boundary is and how you can see it on the Radar pushing out ahead of the incoming storms.  Right now I see the same type boundary moving towards the cells on radar.  Is there a name for what this is, or is it just a radar anomaly? 

  11. 8 minutes ago, H2O said:

    They really have gone into the toilet more and more. It sucks because the ballpark is still one of nicest in all baseball. 

    Yes....on to the next losing streak!


    I heard some stats on how inept their pitching is.  It's because the don't pay for pitchers.  THe average MLD team spends 25-30 million on pitching, which is 1/4 of their salary base. 


    The orioles spend just under 8 million....which is 1/8 of their salary base.  You need pitching, especially at Camden Yards.  The sad thing is that none of the good pitchers want to pitch there because it is a hitter's park.

  12. 40 minutes ago, 87storms said:

    Getting a random downpour from that Frederick cell rolling over gambrill/watershed. No lightning tho. Little bit of wind.

    It just took a weird left turn and getting a nice downpour now.  Glad I waited to water the flowers. 

    • Like 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, Maestrobjwa said:

    Now what exactly is a training event? (Google yielded irrelevant results, lol)

    Where heavy showers move continuously over the same area for a period of time.  It resembles a slow moving freight train and usually cause flooding issues. 


    • Thanks 1
  14. 1 minute ago, H2O said:

    Reading here makes me thing the boot is just for a seal around the pipe to prevent ground water from coming in. It’s dripping now because of all the rain and the pressure that is putting on the water table in the ground. That boot might need to be replaced and sealed better. The water is clear because of the ground. It’s filtered at that point. It’s also not flowing fast enough to agitate the soil and get turbid

    agree...when it happened to me as I mentioned above, the water was clear as came in.   I know my expanding foam solution I uses wasn't the best one, but It worked for as long as we lived there...and as a 25 year old, I didn't have foresight to worry about the folks we eventually sold the house to. 

    • Like 1
  15. 1 minute ago, Kmlwx said:

    It looks like that point where it enters that reddish wall in the picture is PVC with a boot sort of thing before it goes over to the copper style piping shown in the picture. THe leak has finally slowed to just an occasional drip - telling me it's definitely rain related. We are still waiting for the plumber though. What a night - hoping the rain stays away until this is fixed. Thanking past-me for insisting on sticking a few battery operated water alarms down there. 

    Those alarms are a godsend!  I didn't have them when my water heater went up, but luckily i noticed that the water wasn't getting hot and went down and shut it off when I saw the heater leaking.  :-)


    If there is an issue with the line coming in, They might have to dig up the ground where the water enters the house and check to see why the water is following the pipe down the conduit. 

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