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Posts posted by IronTy

  1. 2 minutes ago, dailylurker said:

    We're getting crushed here 7 miles west of Annopoils. It looks to continue for a while. I take back what I said about it being a lame rain event. I wish this was a snow event. 

    Same here in Calvert.  It's dumping.  

  2. 2 minutes ago, Jebman said:

    Not PSU's fault. Its the warming planet. I thought those anomalous warm oceans would help the snow. Naaaah. All the warm ocean did was bring tons of frackin' RAIN.

    I've been saying this for years but I might as well be howling at the moon.  The warming ocean WILL help produce monster snowstorms...up until a point.  And then it'll be just too warm to snow at all and we'll only end up as rain.  We had a blowout season in 09-10 and the NE had one five years later like I expected.  And it's generally sucked since then.  Now we're in the rain-only phase.   Might as well embrace it and welcome the arrival of anoles and geckos followed by larger and ever more dangerous reptiles as the years go by.  

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  3. 37 minutes ago, CAPE said:

    When the goal is snow and most of us live well east of the Allegheny front, like I said, it's super easy to be a pessimist. Boring. More rewarding to do the analysis, have fun with the tracking process, and when it pays off, fucking enjoy the hell out of it. Frankly, some here should find another hobby.

    Not sure I'd say it's easier to be a pessimist around here so much as it's just more accurate given our location...assuming the goal is snow as you say.  But I do agree that incessant bellyaching isn't really contributing much and its probably just best to find a new hobby.  

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  4. 4 minutes ago, CAPE said:

    Its easy af to be pessimistic, given our location. What's the point in doing that though? We know the potential upside when it all comes together. Lets look for the key pieces that can make that happen. They are there on guidance.

    I think this board is a microcosm of human behavior.  Some people tend toward optimism, some toward pessimism.  I posit there are few areas where this is more blatant than the weather.  It's something that nobody can do a damn thing about and really unmasks our inherent biases.  

    I tend toward "defensive pessimism".  Eternal optimists annoy the fock out of me.  But it's like an introvert vs an extrovert.  Neither is inherently wrong or bad.

    And let's face it, the pessimists have gotten it right for a while now.  

    • Weenie 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, psuhoffman said:

    Hopefully you don’t take this too hostile. But may I suggest you focus on making your own predictions instead of attacking others predictions. Almost every time I see you post in the long range thread it’s to basically say someone else was wrong and anyone who believes them is foolish.  And most of the time you mischaracterize what they actually predicted setting up a straw man back and forth debate.  But I rarely see you come in and make your own long range predictions.  Just make your own tangible predictions. If they’re better we will all see and you won’t have to point out everyone else’s failures. 

    It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.  

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  6. Ugh here I am.  After last year a significantly more humbled version of myself.  So yeah, I'm ready for winter.  Looking at the data and most importantly the SSTs, there's no way we fail like we did last winter.  Maybe we find some other way to fail but I'm so much more enthusiastic about this winter than I was last year.  Fwiw.....



  7. Lmao, I just got home from vacation.   Was expecting at least 10" of snow on the ground.  Instead I got 50F+ and sunny and my viburnums are about to break into song.   Sorry @WesternFringe, there's always next year.  Even a 4th grader coulda figured out that we weren't getting any snow this march.   I guess there's always the hope for a late April snowstorm?   Cows could come home on their own too.   

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  8. 19 minutes ago, 87storms said:

    Satellite is choppy, too. Downsloping effects can mess these little systems up sometimes. That was always in the back of my head with this type of setup where there’s barely a surface feature. Gonna need to be in one those bands that survives those limiting factors. TBD

    I actually thought klwx was down or something when I looked at the radar because there was nothing.   Nope, just another winter fail.  

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  9. 4 minutes ago, RDM said:

    Whatever happened to the guy down by Richmond?  Think his ID was MidlothianSnowmaker?  He used to setup his own snowmaking machine in the his backyard whenever it would get cold enough and let it run constantly.  Would build a pile and then see how late into the Summer it would last.  He routinely had snow in late May, and perhaps later.  Haven't seen him posting for a few years.  He knew ALL about homemade snowmaking equipment. 

    And here I thought I was on to something novel.   The hot setup would be to get a few mounted on your roof that rotated automatically as they ran to create an equal snowfield all around your house so that no matter what window you looked out of you'd see a couple feet of snow on the ground.  

    • Haha 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, mdhokie said:

    It still needs to be cold, which this winter has been lacking. I built a homemade version of what they are selling. It requires cold and calm wind. Also your neighbors look at you funny.

    Lmao of course somebody built a homemade one.  I wouldn't worry about cold....build one big enough and "it'll make its own cold air".  Weenie rule #14.

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