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Everything posted by Modfan2

  1. OTS is very likely but I wouldn’t sell a ride up the coast across SNE. I look to get a pass a few miles to me East here in S FL maybe as a strong TS.
  2. I was there in 2012, same place; there was logging being done and they left a big pile to burn! Was no fun then can’t image with the heat today.
  3. 6-10 acre in Thompson CT this after noon require close to 20 departments from MA/CT to extinguish. Last thing you want to do on a 95F day
  4. TS Irene and Sandy had most without power for 4-6 days; a Cat 2 would be jaw dropping never mind 1938
  5. I want no part of it!. Already in my storm prep mode down here in S FL for that wave coming off Africa, making sure storm kit is up to date with supplies and running my generator.
  6. Which one? The one behind it just near the NY/MA line is pretty stout
  7. Few big trees down in Webster Ma area, close the the CT Line
  8. Seeing this from local Fire photographer Possible tornado in the ware/west Brookfield area according to radio reports
  9. This is more plausible than 1938 walking through the door. What is the last CAT 2 or 3 storm to hit New England?
  10. More heavy rain for the Ashford/Eastford area
  11. Some training with the cells in NE CT near Ashford/Eastford area
  12. Roosta - not sure where you are, but not “out of control” where I am in S FL. A majority (Not all) of the case increases have been in the immigrant farm worker communities around and just south of Lake Okeechobee, Palm Beach County to Dade.
  13. So, what are some of the better SNE public courses? I had always liked Raceway in Thompson CT for the 18 holes, cart, and lunch deal they offered. Blissful Meadows in Uxbridge Ma is another decent course.
  14. If Faye is in the Hudson Valley is that another low near Buffalo?
  15. If anything storms like this should be a good exercise of having a storm kit ready to go be it tropical or winter....IE, Generator running, Fuel, Battery, Portable radio, Food, documents. Living down here gives a new meaning to preparedness; when you have the potential monster like Dorian 70 miles to your East there isn’t a lot of time to prepare. i think most in New England are lax on our Tropical potential seeing we have been lulled by the last 30 years but at some point that will end.
  16. Just as a comparison it’s 90 here in S FL with a dp of 73 with a nice breeze. We have been averaging 94-96 the past few days with afternoon storms
  17. If anything it will be low topped variety’s as precip comes in from the coast
  18. If I remember correctly TS Irene caused considerable tree damage in Eastern CT; I had no power for 4 days
  19. And stats from TS Irene which I believe has a similar track
  20. Nope, I worked Michael in the FL Pan Handle two years ago and it was like a 150 wide tornado; New England with a 2 would be very bad considering the tree growth since Bob
  21. Not good for those central and eastern areas who got dumped on a few weeks ago.
  22. With recent wet trend in a good part of SNE, do we have the making here of summer flooding event? I know recent storms have not been wide spread but areas like the Rt 146 corridor south or ORH and Norwood were hard hit Recently.
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