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Everything posted by Rhino16

  1. Winter Storm Watch now in place. They got ripped a new one on instagram by all the students. They then say “Well if it happened on a monday, we’d give you a snowday.” And then that sunday after the snow had fallen, they posted roughly saying: “Snow days will still be a thing if conditions allow for it. We also think the joy of a snow day is important blah blah blah”
  2. Don’t waste your time sending it to Henrico, they won’t care to give anyone a snow day. Everyone is still upset from last time. @wasnow215, I like the writeup! Amounts sound realistic, and overall it’s very professional sounding to read!
  3. The Canadian shows no sleet which is weird, and it doesn’t offer soundings, so I can’t tell if it’s supposed to be there. (Which I assume it is)
  4. Ew, that’s a lot of sleet. Still time, so we’ll see what happens.
  5. Holy 0z ICON... Unrelated question: Would a NW trend also move the rain-snow line NW too? I feel like that should be obvious, but my brain doesn’t work well right now. I wrote the word example earlier as “expmple”.
  6. So, am I understanding correctly that the 12z Euro and 12z Parallel GFS have 2 storms in there? The farther out one isn’t important to me at the moment. Just nice to see.
  7. Ooh... that’s really close to RIC right now, I’d be probably half a mile from the rain-snow line. Hopefully it’s a little colder. Wait! EW It’s the ICON. Disregard last statement.
  8. Nooooo! My spot in the snowfall contest! (Actually this is exactly what I planned. I know if I guessed low, it would go high)
  9. Feel better soon... Your days of gloom will arrive. For now, keep waiting with your friend in the attic [Pic from u/LordByrum]
  10. Reaper’s having chest pains after that 18z GFS run I bet.
  11. Did you post twice accidentally? The two posts go completely against each other if I’m reading them correctly...
  12. I think if precipitation is happening on Groundhog’s Day, let the thing sleep. Any other time, bring them out so we can see a groundhog.
  13. That band looks like it’s drying up. Hopefully some makes it so I have something to watch so I can procrastinate even more.
  14. Are Miller A’s usually the storms better at covering the whole state in knee-deep tasty snow?
  15. Interested to see what that brings. I’m not complaining if we get a little refresher. Super excited for these next few weeks, I’ll have to stay caught up with work though.
  16. Noo nooooo... I’ve just talked to people who unironically read farmers almanac...Said: “We’re supposed to get blizzard again”...
  17. That’s why I’m here. Of course being interested in this has drawn interest away from classwork, which i better go do, because class wasn’t cancelled. I’m not really into time-suck social media, only to watch people rant and complain.
  18. Yes please! I want class time off. Only county in central virginia that’s open tomorrow.
  19. I haven’t been paying attention, but I don’t know if anyone is sure enough to provide an answer for that. It might just be something that will reveal itself once it happens.
  20. Wwooow got trolled so hard. They said just a few hours ago: Snow days will still happen during virtual. 5 minutes ago: Class tomorrow everyone!
  21. Raining here... hopefully ending soon so some snow can stay on the ground for looking at while working.
  22. AGAIN! Like the last time we got decent snow. I don’t know if that counts because they got none and weren’t really inside the storm at all. So maybe it’s unfair. But, I really can’t complain, especially with lack of rain. I don’t want to have anymore IMBYism come from me, so that’s it.
  23. Switching back over to some light snow from sleet, don’t hear the pings...
  24. Can someone make an edit of the cereal “Oops! All Berries!” and change it to “Oops! All Sleet!”?
  25. Starting to ping on the windows in tuckahoe.
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