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Kitzbuhel Craver

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Everything posted by Kitzbuhel Craver

  1. Went up to Jay yesterday. Don’t get me wrong it was freakin cold, but doable with proper gear... Man, what a phenomenal session. Wind holds for the two days prior had left Tramside untouched and everything got blown into the woods. Thigh high fresh tracks ALL DAY, not too crowded at all either. Just a different world up there. DEEP winter intact. I give the day a solid A-
  2. Ehhh, that setup tells me not to put away the Teak Oil in Southern CT. Lots of elbow grease workin that turd to a mirrored lacquer finish.
  3. Well “settling in” has taken quite some time considering we have about four weeks left to get it done. Me thinks people are realizing the levels of futility if we don’t get two HECS in a month, it’s a tall order.
  4. Do you feel the juggernaut did occur, just displaced further north than one would have hoped? Or did a completely different look manifest than you had envisioned? I know you think the SSW really screwed the pooch...
  5. Ouch. That puts things into perspective a bit...
  6. Damn, that’s awesome. Good for you guys cashing in.
  7. With the tenure of this winter thus far IMBY, I’m legit psyched for the warm-up. Let’s just blowtorch this shite. In past winters these feelings would be 100% blasphemous, but, this winter has beaten me down like Jack Dempsey pounding on Jess Willard.
  8. More pain. A feather dusting on the ween. Moving on to the “event” of the season this afternoon. I have to hope it doesn’t default and become fraudulent.
  9. Fair enough, it was ignorant of me to say that without having any idea what there P&L is, it’s just the impression you get when you’re at Stowe and it is the most elite resort in New England and serves that clientele. For having an experience like that you would hope to get a return on your day and then some. I guess the “thanks Vail” comment stems from just a general dislike of the mega resort feel. I have some of my best memories at Jay in the little Chalet hotel before any of that other nonsense was built and love the feel of the old school soul spots like Magic and MRG
  10. Most people don’t want to realize while experiencing the rare bliss of a 2015 the anomaly can end up on the opposite side of the spectrum. Once in a lifetime heaven or hell.
  11. Filling in CT a bit for sure compared to prior runs
  12. Yeah, that place freakin prints money. The most ridiculously priced resort(thanks Vail). Tickets at the counter day of go for 145.00. How bout putting some of that back into the maintenance of utilities, to ensure things like this don’t happen. Then to give a 1 day pass to a customer Who endures something like that at one of the most affluent resorts in the country is not cool, not cool at all.
  13. Arctic hounds lock in my 1” for a deep winter appeal? Sweet.
  14. The GEFS more accurate than the EPS 11-15 the last 90 days? Really?!
  15. That has also been a frustrating element to this season, even for the winter enthusiasts in NNE. Much of there snow has had ungodly cold and wind intruding on the heals of these storms.(of course I would take this, but I’m deflecting now) Even for the heartiest of New Englanders it’s been pretty brutal. I wonder if the resorts are BN in regards to revenue due to the extreme cold. IMO that does take some of the shine off there AN snowfall.
  16. Yes, but we can see where this is going. We pull teeth for a few, unsure sloppy inches and it’s naked snow angels up north. Can’t we even cook up a good ol fashion fantasy bomb? Like a 384hr gfs op dawn awakening? Just so I can pull my weenie out and prevent it from going completely flaccid...
  17. Well at least the southern and eastern sufferers can take solace in the fact there is balls cold coming on the heals of pf’s snow. Unusable. Not safe for man nor beast. Take that. Lol
  18. If one traveled back in the archives, well before any official outlooks came out, didn’t 40/70 call winter 18/19 to rat and 19/20 to rock? I just remember telling some friends back when I read that, almost a year ago, to not expect anything special this winter in SNE.
  19. Yeah, you’re prolly sittin the prettiest out of the CT heads as it stands..
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