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Everything posted by Ruin

  1. This my local Mets just embraced the jog west and locked it in. But models shows western tracks or a jog they say to early to call
  2. We need to start holding the national weather service accountable yeah this is going to be slightly ranty. But think about it logically for a minute how often are the models actually write and I'm not just talking about three or four days out I'm talking about the day before storm. I swear to God models were more accurate before all these upgrades in 2000 and 2005 or so models I would say 50/50 would get it right now it's like every single storm they show even the day before we're supposed to get it oh all of a sudden all models show it's going to jog 150 to 200 miles east. Does anyone have an actual percentage of what they're right about I mean to show Pennsylvania from Central to East and most of Maryland having 48 or 12 in and then all of a sudden now nothing every single model shifted from a slightly Coast hugger now to out the sea in a way. I mean think about it for a second if we were wrong that much at our jobs you would have been fired lol
  3. why i dont get excited any more about storms 4 5 6 days out. the models never ever hold any more. wouldnt be surprised if this goes off the south east coast. if it does stay near the coast it wont have the strength or precip. I wish every would get the best out of this storm but as normal it feels it isnt our storm or at least the big one.
  4. I have another question so yesterday my high for fri was 27 now its all the way to 35? would this signal the storm is closer to the coast? pushing warmer ocean air into our area? or am i reading to much into this I know normally our forecast highs tend to be warmer then they end up being warm bias and all.
  5. Ty no one said this at all hope the storm can blast the boundary apart lol
  6. Snow cut off makes no sense to me. Storm this powerful that trending more West just cuts off snow this drastic ????? Sine people are saying online claiming it's to powerful so it's compact 1 the storm is huge 2 I've seen sub ,960mb dump snow back to Ohio
  7. at work all night hard to read every post even if it didnt phase as early as we all would like I was just thinking about the scope of the storm is so big and being maybe a 24 hour event getting sub 6 inchs is pretty bad imo.
  8. So by all accounts the size of this storm could be huge if modeled correct. so my question why the sudden cut off in amounts in central MD and central PA?
  9. its fun to watch models but %90 they dont pan out 2 days out let alone 6 days
  10. I drove to almost state collage and back tho it was snowy I didnt have really any thing for covering roads. Just got home aa hour ago.
  11. We have to fight the dry air too. We have to fight off the dry air too.
  12. This saddens me all this cold air going to waste.
  13. Woke up to a big fat nothing for snow. It's sad all the models busted
  14. Shit models can even get a 12 hour for set right. Woke up to no snow at all I'm done watching , long range forecasts lol
  15. true but would of been nice for all of us to get a few inchs.
  16. Dont feel to bad all total bust for me in south PA temps are actually up from midnight 34 then to 35 36 now 38. front all ready passed by so go figure.
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