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Everything posted by clskinsfan

  1. CAD was showing up on the "worse" runs this morning. Its just that it gets scoured out because of the flow. I am tempering my expectations, even out here. Because the air mass isnt all that cold in reality.
  2. It is funny as hell that as soon as the thread was started the eps went to shit. Can't make this stuff up.
  3. Yeah it's roasting at 850. But it is an outlier with the setup going in. Just gotta hope it's wrong
  4. Cmc is a massive sleet bomb here. Haven't had one of those for a while.
  5. Oh I know the lowlands stress. That's why I moved
  6. It's amazing out here obviously. But that is too close for comfort even here. Icon east, gfs west. Here comes a few days of model mayhem.
  7. Icon is 6-8 SNOWDEPTH. area wide. Including the cities.
  8. It's out on weather.us....it's a drubbing. Way better for you eastern guys.
  9. I was clskinsfan on Eastern too. The reason I wont change my name. I have had it for forever.
  10. Its actually quite a bit colder up into PA. Which is a good sign I think.
  11. At least we have some colder air on this side of the hemisphere now. We should be able to withstand a short pac puke episode.
  12. Haha. Didnt know that. Can you imagine the temper tantrum he threw when that happened?
  13. I changed my post and added an IF to it. PSU put up a diagram earlier today with I think that vort as a target for another chance.
  14. Yeah. IF Its another good track. I think PSU was eyeballing that one earlier in the thread.
  15. I dont think DT will ever come here again. The last time I thought his head was going to explode. He isnt exactly open to differing opinions.
  16. Yeah. A stealth like from mitchnik. All of the old gang are making appearances. Ian next?
  17. That seems to work for just about anything.
  18. haha. My cat does this when I am in the bathroom. Funny animals man.
  19. Bob explained it well in the thread. It is a dominate southern stream vort is the easiest answer. I consider B's northern stream vorts that jump to the coast. But this one is kind of a hybrid because there is northern stream energy there as well. And I am not even sure there is a true definition of them anyways.
  20. 30-40% probability of a foot? Sign me up baby.
  21. I would expect to mix out here even. Not the coldest airmass in reality.
  22. That follow up Midwest Blizzard is something else. 972?
  23. 83 is on those analogs as well. That is a tasty list.
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