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Posts posted by Hazey

  1. What are these positive depth change maps?  They make no sense with the model run.  Like 18-30" in NNE?  Where is the GFS even close to that.

    I questioned this yesterday. Seems like weenies are picking the clown maps with the darkest colors...lol.
  2. 1 minute ago, Typhoon Tip said:

    Funny thing is... I remember a lot of bad winter calls in autumn.  Ha, one case in point, The Farmer's Almanac.  

    anyway, not including that one.  But then this idea started convincingly abasing those calls given time...  

    Indeed there were a few early calls of a dud winter. Not sure who initially started the epic winter train but everyone jumped on board after that. Why the hell not?..lol

  3. 13 minutes ago, EastonSN+ said:

    Great post from Isotherm, posted by another person, posted in another thread.

    Sounds like he's hedging a bit. Im not surprised. As we keep missing out on snowstorms, sooner or later it becomes more than just bad luck.

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