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Everything posted by ChiTownSnow

  1. Looks like precip is breaking out a rad earlier than expected as well
  2. Snowing at a good clip here. I had to get up and make sure I see the first flakes of the year
  3. Such a tricky call for Izzy and gang. Would hate to be in their shoes right now.
  4. I can see adding Dupage county to the advisories for the 1st event
  5. If GFS follows suit, at what point do we see WWA/warnings issued from LOT?
  6. Looks like you can update your stats now
  7. I think its a 50/50 call.. but with the high Impact on the morning commute I thought they would pull the trigger as well
  8. Looking at the precip shield dropping out of the Dakota's..looks to be ever so slightly west of what the NAM was forcasting.
  9. You also have a high pressure between them. I would think that high would delay any NE turn? IDK though.
  10. Fairly close. GFS came a bit further south though.
  11. A few days ago when the track was through central Wisconsin, Skilling put out a map that was 100 miles south of that and stuck to it. He went against the models
  12. And that why they are the last true "forecasters" left. Seems as if everyone just hinge on the latest model runs these days
  13. Not that I'm aware of. Just me going against millions of dollars worth of technology I guess the GEM kinda does this
  14. I actually think the whole axis of heavy snow may pivot a bit more NW to SE instead of W/E. This may limit the overall snow totals north slightly, but increase totals over Chicago.
  15. I thought you gave up on this one a while ago? :).
  16. Seems to still turn NE over us. Not sure I agree with that type of turn. Seems a more due east or even SE is more likely
  17. I still don't buy the turn NE between hours 30 and 36. Think it continues to slide south?
  18. Quite a bit.. looks like a decent hit for Chicago.
  19. Still think there is room for an adjustment at last minute.. maybe wishful thinking though
  20. Just about to post the same.. it's like the models corrected itself up untill the L reaches Iowa, then the rest of the run is the same as before. This is why i think future runs may slide south
  21. NAM looking nice so far.. stays further west prior to pivoting east. Still think there is room for further south
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