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Everything posted by Malacka11

  1. Regardless of everything else, it does look like I'm gonna get trained on for a while here so that's nice.
  2. Tornado sirens popping off here. What did I say, I go chasing, and a tornado occurs within ten miles of Aurora... I didn't make it far but I still went, right?
  3. The fact that I could be on the Iowa border right now makes me quite annoyed
  4. I know this is somewhat off topic, but I still want to share. First time for everything, I'm really glad I didn't lose control of the car. Not sure if that's all dry rot or if I'm just stupid, but I specifically recall discussing with my mechanic that my tires should be more than okay until at least winter. You live and you learn I guess, I'll pay more attention from now on
  5. I definitely thought it would be poppin a little bit harder out there by now, so you may be on to something. Losing a tire at 80 miles an hour is at least some kind of excitement though so whatever
  6. My tire just imploded completely, so I gotta go home and figure something things out
  7. Already did, but with my 13 gallon tank even that's not a guarantee
  8. Feel free to give advice, I think I'm gonna head south westish for now Edit: Ripping off Chicago Storm's comment, we're going to Pontiac. His advice got me within ten miles of a tornado last time that I missed because I stopped for gas, so I'm gonna follow his advice again.
  9. On the road now, this better not be a disappointment
  10. Okay so real talk, where do the weather overlords think I should head for best supercell chances?
  11. I feel like if I go out to chase today, a tornado will pass within ten miles of Aurora. Edit: We'll see about that though, as I am indeed planning on going out around 1 or 2
  12. On paper, when does it look like the primary tornado threat will occur?
  13. The warning for dupage panned out. Hail, crazy winds
  14. So how are our eclipse viewing prospects looking at this juncture?
  15. While viruses generally tend to evolve to be less severe in order to increase their virulence, that doesn't really matter in this situation because the concern is that the virus will mutate to overcome the vaccinations we've created against it, which would make it more lethal and would disrupt the flow of things yet again.
  16. The pandemic is not over, and it is seriously screwed up to insinuate that someone in here wants it to continue. As long as there are thousands of people with the disease, technically, there is still a pandemic. And yes, agreed, the obesity epidemic is also a scientific view. I don't think anyone else said otherwise, so I don't know why you're touting this as some sort of big aha-gotchu moment.
  17. I just feel like the whole mantra of people needing to lose weight to prevent death from Covid, no matter if it's valid or not, is a moot point because if you're already overweight then that means you're living with the fact that your lifespan is being dramatically shortened day by day, and that you're susceptible to a host of severe illnesses (diabetes, heart disease); ergo, Covid is not going to be the tipping point that convinces them to radically change their lives.
  18. I could. We decided that we're gonna give it a shot, this might be an epic waste of time but I have nothing better to do today anyway so what the hell.
  19. Do you guys think it might be worth it to take a jog an hour or two south and see if I can catch any development or nah?
  20. It's been raining quite heavily for the last 45 or so minutes here in Aurora, so that's nice FWIW.
  21. The one thing that makes me hesitant still is the timing, I'm really not trying to get down there for nighttime storms and that seems to be the direction things are trending in, unless I'm sorely mistaken. Either way, I'll keep an eye on things. We'll see how everything shapes up.
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