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Everything posted by Malacka11

  1. If it could only snow an inch or two for Christmas I'm fine with it if it never snows again this season
  2. It would be really boss if that could slow down enough to make it be 60+ on Friday.
  3. First we need to hope that the current storm keeps baby stepping consistently south for the next fifteen runs.
  4. Looks like something's still on the table at this point for this weekend, but where it might set up is anyone's guess.
  5. That's my bad, I actually meant years, not weeks. Oopsies.
  6. I get why it's probably frustrating for the learned individuals among us to listen to the rest of us circle jerking over shit that never ends up happening, but I gotta be honest: even if it's the realistic approach, I just can't bring myself to take the constant torch/WAD/doomsday talk to heart. I'm sure it used to be different, but as long as I've been on this forum, the shit that isn't supposed to deliver stands just as much of a chance at working out as the real potentials. Can't tell you how many times over the last few weeks alone people have been vaguely hyping up an upcoming pattern change as the potential engine behind a real storm, only for nothing to happen. The odds are always 90% that nothing will happen, but if we actually acted like that was the case, this forum would be deader than our chances of a white Christmas.
  7. Find it a funny meme that LOT is mentioning systems for next weekend already given the propensity for every modeled storm to f uck off inside of 150 hours this year
  8. Honestly I'd be satisfied with that. Beats nothing by a long shot.
  9. Just the fact that you acknowledged next week's storm -thread the needle or not- made my heart flutter
  10. Damn that really is a lot. That'll be crazy to see in like twenty years, an absolute inner sanctum of a back yard. I bet that maple is absolutely beautiful in the fall
  11. Wow, that'll be stunning one day. I long to have a forest for a backyard one day, though maintenance might be a lot. Trees are so crazy... how something half-buried by a few inches of snow today might be over a hundred feet tall in a couple decades
  12. Idk I'd say between this weekend and the event that may or may not come after it, there's at least something to check in on once a day. The euro isn't great for sure, but at least it's moving in the direction of something that may possibly wet the grass. I know all of you guys out there who actually know what you're talking about are probably rolling your eyes -off the top of my head I know Chi Storms, Alek, etc. are all on the skepticism/bleh train- but at least the map isn't completely devoid of color up to the 200 hour mark (that time will come in January). Not to say every chance isn't going to keep evaporating like magic, because we all know they will, but it's better than nothingness to start.
  13. I just want one damn clipper to ride this side of the lake
  14. Honestly please keep posting as much as you can, it helps me get through the boring times and reminds me that I'm not the only goofball wasting away over little water crystals fluttering down from above.
  15. Any idea what's up with the smoke around Tinley Park? It smells like shit and everything's hazy
  16. It feels like the models are taking turns with supporting a storm (for better or for worse) ~180 hours out. Now the Euro is the closest thing to a hit again.
  17. @Brian D Shit's still there on various models, what are your thoughts at this juncture?
  18. Looks like there could be a big lobe of cold air pushing through ~180 hours out. It'd be nice if something manages to interact with it in a meaningful capacity.
  19. That second stat is seriously wild. Would love for something like that to happen during my lifetime
  20. Snowing lightly now, perfect mood flake setting.
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