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Everything posted by Malacka11

  1. Definitely at least a nudge in the right direction though on the gem
  2. I'm cool with however this pans out because for whatever reason, I never really bought into this storm to begin with. If it trends right, great. If not, whatever. No skin off my back this time.
  3. Highest rates of the year here it looks like
  4. It really is incredible how 36° feels like 60° when you're just getting out of the cold. So ready for spring now, maybe room for one more storm but that's about it
  5. Warning up to 5-11 rather than the earlier 4-8
  6. Might be the booze or the fact that you guys have all been in this game longer than I but the meme game is strong with these threads
  7. It really looks like a lot of energy is left untapped at the end of the main storm. Can't wait to see the energy in here when we finally get the real death star run in
  8. I really don't think GHD is a Chicago thing. Especially GHD II, which is particularly remembered for its spread-the-wealth nature.
  9. Yeah but this one will be too within 36 hours
  10. The COD shit made my day. Definitely my site of choice now tbh
  11. As a German I'm waiting for its eventual validation
  12. Icon joining the gang just need a lil bump
  13. We got time. We've all been through this before. If the trend is your friend this early out anecdotally you've got a problem. The important thing is that regardless of the shifting, the snow amounts remain impressive.
  14. No matter how it pans out gang, I'm glad to have this opportunity to share with each and every one of you
  15. Crikey. That really is a nice run. Agreed that it's nice to have at least one good model mostly to the south of us for now
  16. Anyone care to post a kuchera map for le Euro
  17. Contrary to popular belief, we gon guide this bitch in like a 787 on final approach Edit: except when Alek takes his headset off and peers out the window of the CT we'll realize it's actually the Death Star, not a terrestrial aircraft
  18. This is great. Full letter raise for the winter from d to c
  19. It's all fun and games to me at this point. I think I've finally hit that point in my weenie character arc where even little clippers like this truly make me satisfied, at least for a while. That said, the 11th of February is my birthday so you know I'm rooting for being snowed in the days before
  20. I triple dog dare you to not look at the end of the Euro
  21. That's very true, but there didn't seem to be anything odd about the patch of road that she started braking in. I was like a hundred feet behind her and didn't change over until it was clear she was losing control so I figure I would've seen if something extra dangerous was up. She hardly even spoke English at all so I actually haven't the foggiest what happened. We exchanged information, fist bumped, and went our seperate ways.
  22. Lady in front of me managed to lose control of her 4wd Mercedes SUV on a completely straight road. Changed lanes and tried to slow down, but she ended up slamming into me anyway. She managed to damage only the already dinged parts of my beater so this was probably about the most convenient car crash possible.
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