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A Moonlit Sky

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Everything posted by A Moonlit Sky

  1. It's been cloudy in Stamford nearly all morning. 56. Chilly with the breeze and clouds.
  2. 61 in Stamford, but we're getting that seabreeze.
  3. Office is south of 95. Back home it will no doubt hit 65-70.
  4. My thermometer here at the office in Stamford is reading 51 at the moment. I'm already feeling the seabreeze.
  5. I personally like a slow transition into spring--even after a garbage winter like this. I don't want 60s until April. After mid-May we can bring on the 80s and stay that way for summer.
  6. Perhaps: traditional gatekeepers of knowledge (i.e. actual experts in a given field) are placed on the same plane as literally everyone else in the world when it comes to the spread and digestion of knowledge. The end result seems to have been the great devaluation of education and expertise as virtues.
  7. Today is a very nice day. Windy, chilly, some low clouds and sun, passing rain and snow showers.
  8. That seems to be the fear: the virus can spread very quickly and people don't necessarily show symptoms for up to five days (or have it an remain asymptomatic). Just something to watch for the time being.
  9. It's this, really. You can block one user, but if the rest of the thread takes the bait, you can't block the entire thread of conversation. It'd be nice to block a user plus quoted posts.
  10. What's the obsession with "if it won't snow, it should be 80 degrees all year"? Each season's weather is useful and enjoyable on its own.
  11. Yeah, I haven't seem ticks yet either. I've caught a few mosquitoes both inside and outside, though. But, I'm also bounded by wetlands on one side of my hill.
  12. True. I think we just got lucky here specifically. I don't wish damage on anyone.
  13. I like stormy, snowy Marches. March 2018 was great even if it under-performed relative to the potential.
  14. Yeah, it's a nice day outside. Cool and the sky has that pale blue winter look.
  15. Edinburgh feels the same way. The architecture, city design, and the surrounding landscape all seem to point towards "perpetual late fall" as a natural fit.
  16. Labels and stereotypes, I say. That's the way of those people.
  17. Thanks. I found this there: http://koeppen-geiger.vu-wien.ac.at/shifts.htm too.
  18. Do those Koeppen climate maps ever get updated? Or are those set and haven't been revisited?
  19. Oh man, I remember that one that hit the cape now. We were watching it on the news at work. I remember looking at the NWS map and seeing just the cape with a blizzard warning.
  20. Was that the storm that was supposed to hit on a Monday or so and was dumping like 16"+ until it went south at the last minute?
  21. If your dad died, that's a cursed year no matter how much snow you got.
  22. This is one of the things that bothers me about people who say "if it's not gonna snow, make it warm": we need the cold to kill off these pests and keep the ecosystem functioning. It's not about your personal comfort level.
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