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Henry's Weather

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Everything posted by Henry's Weather

  1. Lock it… Spent the day passing flyers around for a snow shoveling side gig, hopefully this event gets me a client base
  2. Back to reality… a storm of the magnitude of the GFS solution is rather rare. We must remember that the mundane outcome is still, despite high-octane guidance, the most likely outcome. Speed up 2 more days and that story changes
  3. Woah. Cut those in half and it’s still plowable amounts
  4. Even if upper levels are conducive to high-ratio dendrites? I don’t know all the science here unfortunately
  5. Notice how the r/s line collapses. Coastal people are jumping the gun on cancelling this event, mark my words
  6. Perhaps logan might not climb out above 4 but I bet the city proper will see more than 4. Maybe I’m optimistic, but this progression is promising. Reminds me of Christmas day 2017?
  7. Coastal people feeling sad are falling for the pump fake. No you won’t get a foot, but you should see several inches this afternoon. CCB has trended stronger as we continue through the event
  8. No, you have at least 3 hours of CCB to look forward to, based on radar, 500 mb orientation, and modeling
  9. HRRR indicates the CCB will become robust for ENE east of Springfield at around 1 or 2 pm. Based on modeling trends, I predict a general swath of an additional 3-6+ inches from the CCB east of the river, and more specifically, Worcester on east. Antsy coastal folks will have to wait for their taste
  10. You can really see the cyclonic curvature tightening on radar. Ccb should be forming at around 10-11 today. Going to be a dendritic pats game
  11. Realized I can screenshot the photo and reduce file size by roughly 60%
  12. How do you guys compress your photos? Can’t get mine below 1.95 MB
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