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About WesternFringe

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Churchville, VA

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  1. That’s nearly an inch of snow accumulation then. Doesn’t matter how long it lasts with regards to accumulation. As far as snowfall, it was probably more since some melted upon impact with the ground. You would need a frozen board to measure snowfall.
  2. 48° and snow and graupel and intermittent sunshine here in Augusta County nw of Staunton
  3. Super windy with intermittent flurries at 38° and a windchill of 28°. NW of Staunton in Augusta County
  4. 45° and sleeting for the last 20 minutes here NW of Staunton in Augusta County.
  5. This was the warmest winter on record for the contiguous USA:
  6. I chased snow by Jeb hiking up to Little Bald Knob (4350’) in northern Augusta County yesterday. It was awesome!
  7. I have had above average snow 3 of the last 6 winters out here in western Augusta County. The 3 that weren't had really awful totals, but it hasn't been horrible here all things considered.
  8. Started off rain here as expected. Snow started mixing in within minutes. Temp is 38 and dropping fast. Should be all snow for about 3 hrs with some good rates. LFG! NW of Staunton
  9. This is a storm thread and you are canceling the next two winters in it! Lol
  10. Is the Panic Room closed for cleaning or something?
  11. It’s not working out very well. Weenies be cliff diving and stuff! eta: Oh, what the hell- here’s my beer pic, too
  12. Temp has dropped from 45 to 40 and humidity has increased from 34% to 52% in the last hour. NW of Staunton
  13. isn't .39 in the .35-.55 range? eta: PSU wasn’t talking about forum-wide ranges. He was saying if you could get qpf in your backyard to .4 to .5 then you can multiply by more than 10 and get 4-8” in places. At least that was my take.
  14. I thought this was the post mortem thread when I logged on! eta: heading over to other thread where we are talking about snow 3 days from now
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