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Everything posted by klw

  1. Hey it snowed enough to cover up the dog messes int he backyard last night. Light flurry now.
  2. An inch in last night's snow. Puppy is 3 1/2 months. Came home on a grain free diet. On our vet's recommendation we went away from grain free. Problem seems to be that we didn't start transitioning her to the new food by mixing it in as we had planned.
  3. Here too. It has almost covered all the soft stools my lab has left in the snow today. Poor girl's belly is not taking well to the new puppy food.
  4. Only surprising thing about a vehicle off the road on that stretch of 89 is if it doesn't have Mass plates.
  5. Snowing here as well. I had spent a bit of time this evening trying to clear snow away from the back of the house. There is so much snow here. Sorry to say it,. My 33" yard bench is almost completely buried. I am not sure if I could get a yardstick all the way through some of the ice layers to get a true reading
  6. If they have to muck with the time change, why not split the difference and just be 1/2 hour ahead all the time? There are parts of the world already in 1/2 hour zones.
  7. Just under an inch for us. Enough to cover up the yellow and brown snow for a few hours.
  8. .9 overnight. It seemed to come in a burst around 1am when I had to put the dog out.
  9. Pretty much all snow except for a few evening pingers or graupel. 2.6 ish but with crazy drifting. I am still ahead of last years total to date by about 3 inches but that will change this week as this was the week last year when I had back to back 18 inch storms. (90 vs 87"). I ended up with 125" last year. The snow is waist deep in parts of the yard but I have not tried to get a base reading. This garden bench is 33" high. The snow is now a bit deeper as this picture was from last week.
  10. I will call it 2.6 inches total after a little bit overnight. It is tough to be sure as there was quite a bit of drifting. I did dig my way up to a shed on the property. Snow was nearly waist deep in many places. i really hope there isn't much rain on Friday with the warmth as I would love not to spend hours drying out the basement.
  11. Meanwhile BTV has their map out and is calling for me to get 1.5 times more snow that PFland
  12. Can I just send my snow to James so I don't have to pay the plow guy again? BTV map:
  13. How are there any trees left in Tolland? It seems like every storm there are downed trees and wires everywhere. How has the massif not been denuded by now with just scrub pines and alpine flowers left?
  14. Close to 3 inches of cement out there. Base of snow/sleet that is hardened with a crust and then the snow on top. What a joy clearing the cars was this morning.
  15. A bit shy of 3 inches of cement out there. It was an inch or so of snow/sleet, a layer of crust, then a wet but moveable snow on top of that. It is a joy.
  16. About an inch new of white. How much is snow and how much is sleet I don't care.
  17. About an inch of white precip here. Some snow, some sleet, some wind, some freezing drizzle. Good times.
  18. An inch of snow here with a crust from light freezing rain to top it off
  19. This is the only spot I know for Public Information Statements but there must be others. https://forecast.weather.gov/product_sites.php?site=CRH&product=PNS
  20. 7 inches here, still snowing lightly but steadily. We had to hire a plow guy. He was great over the weekend with the ice. Hopefully the rest of the season goes as well.
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