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Everything posted by RVASnowLover

  1. Really would like to cash in on the Wednesday/Thursday system. Next Monday’s system looks like another cold rain event
  2. Agree. Not going to give up just yet. Waiting for today’s system to pass. Sometimes the models are very late at catching on. Looks like the short range models are trending colder and wetter for today’s system in the DMV
  3. The way last winter went and this winter has gone so far 1-3 would be a big win sad to say
  4. The GEFS has been consistent in showing a colder, snow event. The op disagrees. Well see
  5. 00z gfs was pretty bad. The para was better for southern VA and northern NC. CMC was weak. Bad trends. Looking more like a light event
  6. 18z gfs is bad for everyone. Mainly rain for everyone smh
  7. Oh I bet. I haven’t ventured over there yet. I’m hoping for the same. I don’t mind it going south, means more cold air for us but can’t go too far south
  8. I personally don’t want a rain to snow event. We don’t do well with those. Usually just ends up being a sloppy mess
  9. Not bad. Still a long ways to do before anything is set
  10. Not a bad 12z suite. GEFS was good. Euro looked better than it has been
  11. For my selfish sakes it can stay right where it is. Don’t need it anymore north
  12. That’s why I’m following that storm even though I know it’s just going to be rain here
  13. Agree. Not going throw in the towel just yet off that. However the EPS was south and weak too. It snows, just not that much. If it’s still showing this on the 00z run then I’ll start throwing in the towel
  14. And this is why you can’t get excited this far out. Euro is weak sauce.
  15. Agree. Again, I’m cautiously optimistic. Been here before the storm either went north or south or went warm
  16. Just can’t have the low go too much further NW. if anything would like to see a tick south
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