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The Graupler

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Everything posted by The Graupler

  1. I think the forthcoming 12z and 18z models will be paramount to deciding whether the storm misses except for SNE, or a mamouth storm. We will need an end to the easterly trends, see continuous phasing to be supported, and we’ll need to capture the upper end scenarios to have a shot at this
  2. Don’t tell us what is and isn’t a nowcast. looks models arent prefect but they’re better than chewing on dry spaghetti spitting it out on the floor and counting the pieces of spaghetti that aren’t stuck together and calling that for the storm total.
  3. Since Covid coffee just doesn’t taste the same. Thinking of not going into work because the timing off the storm greatly effects my commute. thinking of buying baseball cards to flip
  4. Connecticut rains gonna wallop daddy. You know when the hammer goes down and Theres nothing but gas you’ll be knee deep in water brother
  5. Irene was a fluctuo-cane as it’s derived in the industry. You don’t see those too often… especially not in this area. I think this fact paired with the upper systemic bias of the convoluted jet stream and you get the heavy flooding associated with Irene. this is unlikely with Henri
  6. This is going to keep going west. Nice breezy Sunday afternoon down the Cape. Eastern New York gets sogged out
  7. Have a tremendous stomach ache, cramping, light fever.... same way i had a sore throat and cough last March. Wonder if Im patient zero for March 2021's super pandemic virus. Only plus is I've been on island the whole time unlike last year so not a ton of contact with non islanders.
  8. Havent followed weather with nothing interesting on the radar. Used to wind, but last night came as a mild shock. I woke from my edible induced sleep hearing whipping winds and my first thought was that a rogue planet had entered our solar system and the gravitational pull was enough to accelerate wind speeds
  9. Getting slaughtered here right now. Absolutely obliterated. Will take pics.
  10. Nothing here. At the mainland house in Weymouth wife reports it's been snowy super heavy for over an hour but not even an inch
  11. Feels like when theres usually a Nor'easter some section of Boston and the immediate suburbs are in the jackpot zone.
  12. Talking to my office in Weymouth right on the water and they said it just switched to rain. outside of early this AM been all windswept rain in ACK
  13. Snow to rain to snow to rain to snow and now back to rain in the last two hours
  14. Curious how good the updated GFS works with confluence to our north and east compared to the old GF? May be a great way to determine which model has a better idea? Obviously thers been a slight difference amongst the two in regard to our tempered weather in the northeast.
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