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Everything posted by psv88

  1. Yep. January 7. https://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=KNYCOMMA5#history/s20180107/e20180107/mdaily
  2. I didn’t have the patience to retrain. Parts of the tree died every winter. I had enough
  3. The root was alive but I was done with that tree by then. Sold the root to my gardener for $20. Very frustrating tree to maintain. Grows like hell in the summer but doesn’t leaf out until June. Every winter I’ve had parts of the tree die and last winter killed everything above grade
  4. My Crepe Myrtle died last winter. That cold snap where we hit -4 killed it. Local nursery told me that many died on the island.
  5. I just want a hard freeze to kill the ragweed and bugs
  6. Looks like back of this pattern breaks next weekend then we head into real fall.
  7. What the hell happened to the dry week? Have an outdoor meeting at 7 tonight and now it looks like rain. WTF
  8. Huh? Record highs were falling all over the place last month.
  9. Yep. It's so bad people have a low of 55 and think its below normal
  10. 68/50 is normal for this time of year, by the 12 it is 64/47. A step down is natural.
  11. Early October was supposed to be cold too. Unless it’s within 5 days it’s fantasy
  12. Yea, the north shore really took it on the chin last night. 1.02" of rain here. Areas out east must have gotten close to 2"
  13. I missed the 51 at FRG. That storm really blew up when it hit LI, what an epic storm season, capped with a twister. Best lightning ive seen since 2010.
  14. I closely tracked that storm, it looked really nasty. ISP gusted to 47.
  15. Storm is now severe warned. Busy night on the island!
  16. Here we go again. Line blossoming over the island. Pouring and lots of lightning
  17. Quick 1/2” here, nothing to my immediate west or south. Storms developed overhead and kept sliding east.
  18. Pouring now. Cells just popping overhead
  19. Northern suffolk is getting clobbered. Look at that storm Jesus. Will be some bad damage out there
  20. Doubt it. Winters have not really been cold. Last winter was about average or slightly above, with above average snowfall. I see no reason why snowy winters wont continue, especially east of the city. Warm SST are causing these snowstorms to just dump snow on the island.
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