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Everything posted by MUWX

  1. I live within the MD. The worst seems to have gone just north of me. Winds on the leading edge were decent probably in the 40-60 range, but the back side was just as strong, if not stronger.
  2. Moderate risk is substantially bigger this update.
  3. I think we see an expansion of the 30% hatched hail, and a 45% hatched wind added for Oklahoma/Arkansas/north Texas. I’m surprised there isn’t more talk about this event
  4. Three for warned cells stacked on top of each other
  5. Wouldn’t the OFB be somewhere in the gulf?
  6. The storm near lake Charles certainly looks interesting
  7. The chances of the warm sector over the SE staying clear, are pretty slim. Most models have a MCS/QLCS wiping the warm sector out.
  8. KHOU reporting two deaths in Polk County from this storm.
  9. I am very interested to see how many tornadoes come out of today. This storm alone may have produced 15
  10. Lake Charles is going to do it one last time. Strong Couplet about to move out of the warning box.
  11. This could be. I hope this is the case. I only view the warnings in Radarscope
  12. Hey, they got the new warning out while 1/2 of the tornadoes were still in the old warning box. This is a big win for them.
  13. Add another one outside of the warning box.... and while your at it, draft up twins outside of the warning box.
  14. Lets watch them mess up another warning box
  15. There are about to be two tornadoes outside of the box. Lake Charles is have a bad bad night
  16. Alright. Wtf Is lake Charles doing. This is mind boggling
  17. In general I agree but that was decent rotation right next to the radar site, on a storm that has been producing for a couple hours now.
  18. Some big neighborhoods on the north side of woodworth
  19. Couplet looks strong to me. Woodworth may be in trouble
  20. Couplet is wrapping up. Where is the warning
  21. I think it’s about to come back to life
  22. I wouldn’t be surprised if it produces again, potentially in a big way, but there’s no reason for a warning ATM.
  23. Never mind the fact that it’s no longer warned
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