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Everything posted by MUWX

  1. Seems a lot of chasers spent a ton of money on last minute tickets to chase a cat 1 at best
  2. Pretty decent uptick in lightning on the SW side. Eye seems slightly more apparent on visible as the sun sets.... *ducks*
  3. Its actually achieved rapid deepening
  4. Eye wall open and elliptical. Not all systems go yet
  5. Can’t be a serious poster here if you don’t know the Greek alphabet.
  6. Some very impressive RI probs on the latest ships guidance
  7. Thread was much more enjoyable while the turtle was in its shell.
  8. Came here to post this. That person is almost as bad as Idub
  9. Certainly looks like TD 14 is starting to get its act together.
  10. Is it possible to block someone on this site?
  11. A high risk for Chicago would undoubtedly grab headlines. PDS watch is obviously needed and helps convey the significance of the threat, but this is literally the reason a high risk is a thing. Obviously they could upgrade at 2000z, but a special update is warranted imo.
  12. Why hasn’t this gone high risk? What a monster.
  13. The corn damage from this is going to be incredible. This could be an insanely costly storm for the upper Midwest.
  14. Storm west of Little Rock is starting to rotate
  15. The fact that the Seneca storm isn’t Producing, tells you all you need to know about today. It starts with a B
  16. Rotation is pretty weak/non existent
  17. I would watch the storm near Miami. It is already rotating and may interact with an OFB in sw mo
  18. The WF continues to push NE, correct?
  19. Latest risk area was cut back quite a bit in SWMO. Right on cue we are seeing some clearing in far SWMO. If this clearing line can continue to move east/north east, swmo may still have a shot
  20. While cloudiness is an issue in SWMO today, there is a pretty decent OFB pushing south of SGF currently. That may come into play later.
  21. That doesnt necessarily mean at 10% hatched risk will be realized. SWMO makes up roughly half of the 10% area, and remains locked in clouds.
  22. The springfield Metro area continues to be socked in clouds. Unless that changes in the next hour or so, I dont see what of a tornado threat here. Further west, and southwest, it could be a different story. Temps in the Upper 50's, dews in the mid 50's, i just dont see how it happens here unless something drastically changes soon.
  23. If this morning is any indication, we could have some massive hail later today.
  24. Haven’t looked at tomorrow in depth yet, but today definitely over performers in SWMO. Hoping the same doesn’t happen tomorrow, may 4 has enough tornado history around these parts.
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