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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. My first thought was 28...meh, then I'm getting worried as it's too close to 30. And 30 is too close to 32.
  2. Smokey this morning... Monday morning question - heard this on the radio on my way to work and thought I'd share...what is your ideal high temperature? Mine: 25. Chilly, not super cold but cold enough for snow to stick to everything with a storm going under or east of us. Without snow, invigorating to be out in. I suspect I might be lower than most...
  3. Thanks for sharing, one of my happy places. Can't wait to go back in the fall.
  4. Radar dose not look inspiring. Front is entering the northwest portion of the LSV and there hasn't been much sun at all downstream to fuel the pathetic looking line moving towards us.
  5. Thanks for posting. I'm a little confused by CTP- they talk about 2-3" of rain in the flood watch text but my forecast is for far less. More in line with the models.
  6. Man, you look at that and read the just updated AFD from CTP and someone or something is going to bust hard...
  7. What I take from that is a refreshing dewpoint.
  8. CTP just pulled the trigger and issued a Flood Watch.
  9. Loud thunder here but the rain is 2 miles north moving away from me.
  10. Final total for today was 1.54" 3.35" for the week.
  11. And here it comes again. #itstrainingtimeforme
  12. It has been raining for over 90 minutes. Back to back storms. Under a warning but nothing severe here.
  13. Picked up exactly 1" of rain so far. Nearing 3" for the week.
  14. My high today so far is 93, but I'll back that down one notch since all we care about on here is what happens at MDT.
  15. Some good hailers south and east of Altoona.
  16. Good luck - time for you to a get a good shower.
  17. I keep a lot of detailed personal records... Going back 40 years to the year I graduated high school, the hottest average daily high temp for July here is 90 degrees...and that occurred in 1983. (MU's climatology numbers support my data) I had 19 days that month at or above 90...61% of the month was in the 90s. Now - here is the big change. In 1983, during July there were only 3 nights at or above 70. One of which the low was 70. I've already surpassed that this month. Those are actual numbers. Looking carefully at numbers, daytime highs have definitely trended downward over the past 40 years in July. Numbers back it up. At the same time, overnight lows have increased substantially more than high temps have decreased. The end result is that Julys are indeed slightly warmer on aggregate, and we're suffering more because it simply does not cool down at night like it used to.
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