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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. Tryout time. Steelers are going to be in the market for a new punter (again) in the offseason. Swing that leg and drive through the ball...you got this!
  2. It was time. Admittedly, I myself had not looked at one model since last winter. No need to...expert analysis was already being provided. Good info. I live for numbers. Always have. I remember the weirdest things when it come to numbers...I can honestly recall the paid attendance at my first Phillies game (hadn't had an opportunity to see a real team (Orioles) at that point) back in 1972. Numbers, numbers, numbers...I've always loved playing with numbers. I'm sick that way.
  3. I was going to bring that up - I haven't gotten into model review much this season yet but I did parse the overnight Euro. I thought it was a pretty ugly run. But, it was one run of an OP.
  4. 19 was the low here, back to back mornings in the teens. Currently it's 21.
  5. Wow. Last night I was 3 degrees lower than you, but right now it's 30.4 here.
  6. That...was what I noticed the most on a lot of winter forecasts that were put out there this year. We're in season where the chances of a big east coast snowstorm are significantly smaller than normal. That's the part that I didn't like the most.
  7. Good times to be in the Sierra - most mountain locations picked up between 4-6' of snow last week. They're going to do it all over again this week. Some areas will go from 50" on the season to over 200" in just 10 days.
  8. I'll "4th" that. With every passing year I become more and more of a "go big, or go home" mentality when it comes to snow. I pretty much live for the big dogs, understanding the reality of how long I might have to wait for that to happen.
  9. I hope so. It sure is green though. Waiting for an imminent snowfall for my next mowing day. LOL
  10. 18 at home when I left for work. A nice, invigorating winter morning.
  11. Just 2 degrees away from my coldest reading of the season - down to 25 here already.
  12. I struggle with this on so many levels. Overall, this is sort of the ongoing theme since all of this began...so many questions, so many opinions, so many "absolutes" and yet so few straightforward answers. I don't know what's right. I do know that there are compelling reasons to continue and to pause. I'm just not sure which is the better option right now. You both make very valid points.
  13. Sold my Sixers tickets for tonight at 1:19pm. At 1:22pm the game was postponed. I feel bad for the person who bought them online from me. Hopefully it works out for them in the end.
  14. When it comes to snow, there are a good many reasons why it's very hard to be patient. My take is that to you, snow is snow is snow. December...March...June. You'll take whatever, whenever, and there are no "rules" to it. That's awesome! Having said that. there are people that truly love snow, but not to the unlimited extent that you do. Snow in March to me is not the same as it is in late December. Sure, I love 14" on March 15th, but that comes with the knowledge that I'm going to lose most, if not all of it in the next 48 hours. (most likely) Then, there's the "what have you done for me lately" mentality of suffering through promised weather pattern changes that never materialize. So patience becomes hard...how many times am I going to get burned before I choose a different response? Patience is warranted but there are reasons specific to snow that make it less than a cut and dry situation.
  15. We live in an instant gratification culture. Patience is becoming a lost character trait. People, through technology are used to getting things immediately.
  16. Yeah, and I posted MU's comments to support what Carlisle was saying. Wasn't my opinion, just thought it would fit there.
  17. Yeppers. (Note - that text is a small quote from a longer post on the upcoming pattern, and was made on Friday)
  18. Here's MU's weather director's take on the upcoming pattern, and note what he says regarding the NAO: The three primary features driving our weather pattern so far this month have been a persistent ridge of high pressure in the Bering Sea, a deep trough across western North America, and a lack of downstream blocking in the North Atlantic. Although I don't see the first two features changing much over the next 2-3 weeks, a blocking high pressure system has already returned to the North Atlantic over the past 24 hours and will slowly intensify and retrograde westward over the next 7-14 days. I'm not going to go into the meteorology behind why this blocking is returning (believe me, it would be a long dissertation!), but what it means for us is a transition back into a more typical winter pattern by late December and early January. However, it's vital to remember that the exact location of the blocking is key for our snow chances and that computer models often overdue the strength and westward extent of the blocking. If the blocking fails to center itself to the south and west of Greenland, then we'll be left with a pattern much like what we saw at the end of November: one featuring pseudo-cold (and still a few mild days) and weak, northern- branch storm systems or systems that try to cut into the Great Lakes region. Even if the blocking does become centered farther west, we'll still be fighting the effects of the Bering Sea ridge and deep trough in the western US, both of which try to force warmer air into the East. So, I think the prudent call at this point is to realize that any truly Arctic cold shots aren't in the cards until after the New Year and that "changeover" or "mixed-bag" precipitation events are most likely. Any snow events we do see are likely to remain light (on the order of a few inches or less), and specific details on any particular system will remain obscure beyond 4 or 5 days
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