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Posts posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. 41 minutes ago, Atomixwx said:

    Low was 44°F this morning. Currently 50°F as we carry on about the Great Drought of 2024. 

    Back to Saturday for a sec - you questioned me why I was concerned about PSU - WVU?

    I got my response for 'ya...Saturday happened. 

    My nervousness IS well warranted. 

    • Like 1
  2. 59 minutes ago, Mount Joy Snowman said:

    I know we all complain about various weather issues but in the grand scheme of things I love where we live and wouldn’t trade it for anywhere.

    Our location/climate is perfectly balanced that offers snow weenies hope for big dog storms, plenty of summer heat and bouts of refreshing weather as well. Only thing that would push me away is to be close to family. I love it here.

    • Like 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, mitchnick said:

    I'll say this much, no I'm complaining about going down to the obx, but driving it in 1 day from here vs. my old place near BWI in a real pita, especially on a Friday. I should be in the middle of rush hour once I get to Norfolk. Arrrrrg!

    I'm probably the only one stupid enough to do this, but I enjoy it so I keep doing it. Long ago I tired of the 95>64>168/158 nightmare getting to OBX. About 10 years ago I added more time but subtracted tons of stress by taking Delaware 1>113>13 across the CBBT into Va. Beach and then down 168/158 to OBX. That drive on 13 through the Delmarva is so much more relaxing than than the 95/64 mess. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Bubbler86 said:

    I am already back to watering.  I can do it a little less now with the lower amounts of sun and better temps.  Just twice a week. 

    We have been watering every day now for the past 2 weeks. We had gone away for several days, came back and our flowers were dead and the veggies weren't much better. 

  5. 2 hours ago, ChescoWx said:

    What is your elevation difference? I find that on calm cool mornings the higher spots like mine radiate poorly - but on mornings like yesterday with cold air advection higher spots like mine will often come in cooler....might be the same there??

    Negligible - a matter of a few feet. The airport station is actually a few feet higher.  

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  6. 1 hour ago, Mount Joy Snowman said:

    Another low of 48 for eastern West Hempfield Township. Man this weather is pure gold. 

    You'll probably appreciate this nugget of weather..."oddity" - yesterday, the airpark on Donegal Springs Road dropped to 49.1 for the low, which was 4.7 degrees higher than my 44.4 reading. We are separated by 2/10ths of a mile, and on clear, calm cool mornings the airpark typically runs 1-3 degrees lower than me. And yet yesterday...they were nearly 5 full degrees warmer.


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