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Everything posted by PhineasC

  1. The House is full of weirdos. That's why we have the Senate to balance it out. LOL
  2. Rich people all game and work the system. That is not political at all. It transcends party.
  3. Raise their taxes, but then the costs pass down to the consumer. There is not an easy solution there.
  4. There is definitely a meltdown occurring here in Randolph today, but not has nothing to do with the election. That sun is fierce!
  5. The GOP also added 11 women to the House. That's big for them.
  6. How did these polling clowns miss the hidden Trump vote again? I think all of us down here on Main Street from both sides of the aisle are aware of this now. These pollsters really have become even more untethered from mainstream reality it would seem. They drank gallons of their own kool-aid. Some of these polls in WI, OH, and FL were way, way off.
  7. The results in the House and Senate make it pretty clear there is no blue wave or Biden mandate. The people have chosen near-total gridlock. If you were waiting on the new President to sweep in court packing, free healthcare, and expanded statehood, you will be disappointed.
  8. Corporate taxes are a real thing that has a real impact on how much money goes into our pockets versus the government's.
  9. Another interesting thing, I am not seeing anyone in my little online circle gloating or grandstanding about the results so far. Everyone just seems beaten down and sort of in shock. I don't think this thing went the way anyone expected or hoped.
  10. And many more minorities too, which is crazy given the media rhetoric directed at Trump non-stop for years. It's almost like topics such as the economy and public safety are more important to voters than race issues...
  11. Lower taxes, fewer regulations, stay out of my way...
  12. Highest percent of non-white vote for a GOP candidate since 1960... wow. Trump of all people.
  13. COVID also messed up Trump's path to victory. Without COVID, this would have probably not been a very hard election for him to win. I am not sure a blowout is even possible in our current environment, but he would have won fairly clearly. But the Dems were able to rally around COVID as a campaign issue. Trump recovered somewhat with the law and order stuff in the closing months, and so here we are with a near deadlock.
  14. Many Biden voters were just voting against Trump. Biden doesn't inspire too many people on his own.
  15. I am fine with the results of the election so far, and I would have been either way because my life is pretty immune to these pendulum swings, but society is headed into an even more fractured state after this and that's more worrisome to me. This whole process will do exactly zero to close the divide in the country.
  16. Trump's camp is adamant they will close the gap and win AZ... seems like a pipe-dream but that would totally change the dynamic again. They are saying the remaining votes are all in-person from Maricopa County, which should break strongly for Trump.
  17. People who get violent over election results make their own choices. They have personal agency here.
  18. The Congressional results are probably the bigger news of the night. The President will be mostly impotent no matter who wins. Congress is deeply divided now, even more so than before. Nothing can get through that gauntlet.
  19. That's why we have become hermits up here basically. Just disgusted with the whole thing across the board. Last night and this morning have just confirmed our decision to basically opt-out of the societal narrative on all of it.
  20. We aren't doing anything with outside friends and family for Thanksgiving or Christmas. My immediate family living together is already big enough to hit gathering restrictions.
  21. I think both parties are prepared to litigate. Counting ballots with no postmark and received after Election Day is definitely "fishy."
  22. PA is allowed to count ballots received late with no postmark. How is that even legit? That could just be a ballot filled out by a poll-worker.
  23. We'll see. This will all be looked at by the courts soon.
  24. That's my understanding. I'm sure many of the mail-in ballots are not filled out properly. There has already been discussion over the powers of the election boards to "fix" these ballots before then counting them. This will become a major issue when this hits the courts. The margins in these states will be super-tight.
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