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Everything posted by Stovepipe

  1. Based on RadarScope it looks like the I75 corridor is turning frozen south of Knox.
  2. Correlation Coefficient has it at the 40/75 split. Won't be long!
  3. I still had the windows open from earlier. The front rolled in quickly and I'm down to 42, the place has cooled rapidly. It's happening!
  4. We are exactly 5 degrees separated. Makes sense based on the angle of attack and the geography.
  5. Welp, I don't guess I'll be getting much sleep tonight. Been awhile since I got to stay up for a good storm. Beer and coffee it is!
  6. My mom sent some photos from Paris. Blizzard like conditions with the wind and it's piling up.
  7. MRX lowered Knoxville's totals again. Now expecting a half inch tonight and an additional 1-2 tomorrow morning. That doesn't meet their stated warning criteria. Again, I'd like to know what they are seeing that we are not seeing.
  8. MRX have adjusted their expectations for Knoxville down, pray they don't adjust them further. This afternoon they were calling for 1-2 inches Friday night and an additional 1-2 inches Saturday. As of 11pm we see this: Not even mentioning snow overnight Friday. So we went from 2-4 to 1-3. I'll never bet against them, but what are they seeing that we aren't?
  9. Fellini Kroger has it's own Twitter account lol. https://twitter.com/FelliniKroger
  10. That was a really fun event. Robert nailed it.
  11. Yep, it laid down about an inch of fluff here on top of the quarter inch or so we had from previous one. Glad it held together for you!
  12. Beautiful moderate snow in west Knox. The current band got everything white quick.
  13. Interesting change of dialog from them.
  14. I finally got under that second band and it's not living up to radar expectations relative to the previous one. Tiny flake flizzard stuff but can't complain. With minimal cold air to deal with this has been a win. I expect roads to not be that bad in Knoxville proper tomorrow. Side roads, all bets are off. It's pretty out!
  15. My unofficial measurement is about an inch and a half on the ground and cars here south of Cedar Bluff. Even in between these bands it's coming down moderately with smaller flakes. Really covering the asphalt now. This next band looks to be even more fun. I'm pleasantly surprised, I did not expect this here.
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