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Everything posted by KeithB

  1. 6.8 inches and moderately snowing here in central Rockland. At times I hear a few pings, but idk if any sleet can really be in this up here. IDK.
  2. One can make a good argument that you should have talked her into Binghamton. They get much more snow!!!
  3. I don't love the new euro. NNJ into Rockland...are we really gonna get dry slotted? Do I need to worry about not getting a foot? Insane how after all these days of Binghamtom looking like 3 to 6 inches, that they are going to score with 24+. Albany and Binghamton are like the Patriots (pre this year). They seem to always win. Even when they are looking really bad....they win
  4. Thanks for this input. Hope you get some good snowstorms this year. Just not too many, as those are usually extreme cutters for us
  5. Gonna be a late night. I'm not even going to attempt to go to sleep before the 00z runs, as it would have that same feeling of trying to sleep the night before a colonoscopy. Let's get good 00z results, and then sleep like babies!
  6. Yes. But even up here I am starting to worry about dry slotting, getting 9-12 and and seeing Orange and Sullivan counties get the 16-24 inch jackpots
  7. I agree with this. I, for one, live in Rockland County, and although my area is looking very good for 12+, I have seen these scenarios where this very sharp gradient drops 50+ miles south over the last 2 days and screws us. So yes, it does look good, but we would all be making a big mistake letting our guards down. We must remain vigilant, and not get complacent!
  8. Me. Infact, this entire week is going to be very sleep deprived due to this storm. No shot I can go to bed before the 00z any of these nights, plus...Wednesday night will be an all nighter!
  9. and the 12z run 12 hours earlier had this region 6-10 inches. So if it can all change that fast, god knows what can happen in the next 96 hours.
  10. The 12z Euro gave Rockland and Orange County 9 to 13 inches depending on where you were....this 00z run gives all of Rockland and Orange 18+. NYC abd surrounding still get 15+. Great run for most
  11. I remember about 5 years ago, we had discussions about trends. A couple of the guys did a little back test work, etc.... I think the conclusion was that there really are no trends in terms of being able to predict the future model runs. It's no different then looking at a roulette wheel the last xxx amount of results, or a baccarat results tabulation. Trends are just looking at the past on independent trials, and just because 3 straight model outputs have been closer to the coast in subsequent runs, that probably (and this can be proven through the historical data, but someone would have to do the work, and it would be a lot of work) there is no such thing as a "trend" in the sense that one particular direction on future runs is more or less likely.
  12. Hey guys, Can someone please tell me the best way to get EURO snow maps? (like/similar to the ones that you guys are posting). I am willing to pay a monthly/yearly subscription. It looks to me that this forum does not offer a service for hobbyists. I joined a $20 monthly subscription on storm vista, and although the GFS looks correct, the euro snow map is clearly incorrect. For example...when looking at the 12z EURO 168 hour snow map, the entire expanse of Long Island is in the 2 to 4 inch shading. Meanwhile, the 12z EURO has the entire expanse over 12 inches as per your maps. Idk what gives with this Storm Vista site or what to do/where to go. Thanks! Keith
  13. Does the EURO now run 4 times a day as opposed to the 2 times it used to run? When did this start?
  14. Received almost 2 inches in the past 45-50 minutes. 14 inches now! Very windy, and a much much finer snow than earlier
  15. Yea...Very nice storm. 12 inches and coming down pretty hard in Pomona NY
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