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Everything posted by Buckeyes_Suck

  1. This has been my point from the beginning. Because in the meantime while we chase an impossible goal were building a debt and supply chain bubble that will have to burst at some point.
  2. Epstein should have just said that he was 66 and that wasnt who he was then all would have been well and Hillary wouldnt have had to suicide him.
  3. Yea but if you protect your body with the vaccine then were good right?
  4. Completely agree. My guess is someone at the state level is leaking crap to the press to sway public opinion.
  5. That’s been the case all along with Covid. The vast majority ( I think>95%) of hospitalizations have co-morbidities.
  6. Eh not so fast....in this study 5 people were hospitalized, 4 of them fully vaxed. "Among five COVID-19 patients who were hospitalized, four were fully vaccinated"
  7. https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/30/health/breakthrough-infection-masks-cdc-provincetown-study/index.html
  8. I just missed it, I'm at the northern edge of west falls on ellicott right next to Moog. Just south of here was a mess.
  9. Completely agree. My hope for this winter is to finally get some truly epic snow, even if just out in west falls where I work. Its been three years now I've been working here without anything crazy.
  10. Yea that reminds me of my general policy of not buying anything that has to be a hard sell to me...like used car warranties.
  11. There are quite a few Drs choosing to not get vaccinated...I'd imagine they know something more than we do about the topic. I know that locally they started giving away vaccine that was meant for patient facing staff to administrative staff.
  12. Real estate around here is going to be insane someday once California starts to look like Fury Road and Florida turns into Waterworld.
  13. Another great movie that is somewhat climate/weather related is The Colony. Basically we try to stop global warming and send us into an ice age. The movie follows Lawrence Fishbourne through the apocalyptical landscape that remains.
  14. So a warehouse full of N95 masks with declining demand catches fire and burns to the ground…
  15. We need plumes to setup like this in 5 months…seems like this has been the summer of training.
  16. I can hear these in Clarence, pretty frequent lightning.
  17. Radar starting to look like orvilles extra butter.
  18. At this rate grand island is going to become the widest section of the Niagara River.
  19. Those storms training over grand island look fun.
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