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Everything posted by Buckeyes_Suck

  1. I doubt they'd follow through. Hiring PA's and MDs is hard enough. Imagine the public shit show that firing all of the medical staff who were unvaccinated would create when the primary reason for vaccines/masks is to flatten the curve and not overwhelm said medical staff...
  2. No but a change in policy would have. The moment the treaty was broken military force should have been used.
  3. Didn't trump have some sort of peace agreement with the taliban? I don't want to dive too far into politics but it seems like things were much more manageable under the prior policies. Now you literally have people clinging to C17s and falling to their deaths to escape the country. At first glance this seems like a bigger failure than Vietnam.
  4. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if the population of Erie county doubled in the next 30 years due to global warming.
  5. Few trees down out here in Ohio, one in the right lane in a 70 zone.
  6. Nothing makes sense anymore. Theres really probably some alien invasion or asteroid strike about to happen and this is all a big diversion to prevent mass panic.
  7. @BuffaloWeather Hey on your fence when we won our lawsuit the judge gave them 30 days. We received our check postmarked on the 30th day. I think if they don't pay up you can go back to the judge and they can put a lien on them.
  8. The report from the cluster in CT showed that of the 5 hospitalizations 4 were break through cases, so no I dont think its widely accepted yet. As someone who had covid and is vaccinated I can say personally i'd rather deal with my lingering loss of smell than the utter cataclysmic collapse that the global economy is heading for. Stainless tubing pricing is up 50% and lead times are out 4 months. Your food is made in that tubing. Every project I'm working on is facing delay after delay and price increases. Wait till all of that starts getting passed on to the consumer.
  9. I have 3, all keeper leagues. That's enough that I cant always stay on top of what's going on.
  10. I dont think any more proof is needed that the vaccine doesnt prevent infection from delta variant. Cant really find info on whether it lessened severity though. Gibraltar was 99% vaccinated and just had to lock down again. https://www.google.com/search?q=gibraltar+covid+vaccine+rate&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS937US937&sxsrf=ALeKk01BbNB5z1VD23i8TJdfMuoz_0flbg:1628170937228&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi97eKygZryAhX0dc0KHW8bD-MQ_AUoAHoECAcQAg&biw=1421&bih=776&dpr=1
  11. Here's a must read that I had as a kid: https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/the-hot-zone_richard---preston/246440/item/3863750/?gclid=CjwKCAjw9aiIBhA1EiwAJ_GTSvDIM_h6dnrR-W5WAc16YjAXxiNuUeScXFmCEit-oFbRPLzaRAFZfBoC63MQAvD_BwE#idiq=3863750&edition=2382604 None of us coming out of our house during that.
  12. I wonder if Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul's covid strategy will be any different when she's sworn in.
  13. Completely agree, and I tried using the flu at the beginning as an example of that. Between mutations and non adopters that strategy was doomed from the start. If this were significantly deadly I think we would have seen a different result. Watch how quickly people get vaccinated if something like Ebola becomes airborne.
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