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Everything posted by Buckeyes_Suck

  1. Are we playing price is right rules? if so I’m going for first freeze 11/4 First measurable snowfall 11/11 Going big with 134” snowfall with a bills super bowl win
  2. Bullshit headline and horrible writing. They contradict their headline in the article. They based the headline off of comment from a spokesperson regarding the need for public funding over a month ago. Bills arent going anywhere. "But a source who knows the family and has spoken to them in recent weeks tells The Post that the threats are just that — idle threats: The Pegula family isn’t likely to move the Bills, even if they don’t get state or local funding to help build a new 60,000-seat stadium, the source said."
  3. Well looks like a judge stepped in for now. https://buffalonews.com/news/state-and-regional/judge-issues-temporary-halt-to-states-covid-vaccine-mandate/article_d6ddb822-1586-11ec-aa24-c7842ff661b8.html#tracking-source=home-top-story
  4. https://www.google.com/search?q=coding+quality+coordinator+RN+remote+job&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS937US937&sxsrf=AOaemvI6DOuM9EKP4nCXyrjOAZmUrAHj0w:1631652429169&ei=TQpBYabMCZjl5NoP96adgAQ&oq=coding+quality+coordinator+RN+remote+job&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BwgjELADECc6BwgAEEcQsAM6BwgjELACECdKBAhBGABQqDZYuztglz1oAnACeACAAWuIAaMCkgEDMi4xmAEAoAEByAEFwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz&uact=5&ibp=htl;jobs&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjpx8KXq__yAhUBMlkFHfEWDMgQkd0GegQIEBAB#fpstate=tldetail&htivrt=jobs&htiq=coding+quality+coordinator+RN+remote+job&htidocid=hKdQAt9L_7912cP5AAAAAA%3D%3D Example. These jobs pay well and until Covid many weren't remote. Now that that's happened there's a hole that can be filled pretty easily if a bunch of nurses were fired for non compliance.
  5. You're missing the point. There are other jobs that RNs can do that arent virtual RN positions and these jobs are hyper competitive to hire for. There's an entire backend side of a hospital including compliance and rev cycle that hires experienced RNs. So the point is that if a bunch of RNs don't want to get vaccinated they can find jobs working these backend jobs remotely in other states.
  6. what? That would mean that her employer alone employs 400,000 RNs
  7. Plus don't forget that a provider that's been making 4-700k a year isn't going to give a crap about the money.
  8. My wife has almost 200 RNs that rollup to her, almost all remote. There's an entire backend system that people forget about with healthcare.
  9. These jobs (especially RNs) are extremely competitive, more likely a lot of these people will be snagged up to work out of state or remotely. From what i understand they'll be eligible for unemployment as well if they decline the vaccine.
  10. Unless theres a last minute change to the state policy this will be a disaster. Its not just Olean that is going to lose a large portion of medical staff. https://www.wivb.com/news/local-news/cattaraugus-county/olean/more-than-250-olean-general-hospital-employees-have-declined-vaccination-as-deadline-looms/
  11. And on the plus side we wont have to wear masks. There was only one couple in our section wearing a mask last week when in the stands, curious to see how many empty seats in 2 weeks.
  12. That dec 2001 event is my all time fav. 18 years old and stuck in my apartment for a week with two roomates, our gfs, a playstation and plenty of beer....surprised no babies were made.
  13. Yep I lived in south buffalo on abbott rd for this one right next to KFC. The drifts from heathcock park across the street were ridiculous and snowmobilers were the only traffic down abbott.
  14. You should watch this one for an opposing viewpoint. https://www.amazon.com/Plot-Against-President-Devin-Nunes/dp/B08LMJ93LL Not calling it truth.
  15. I'm not trying to get into a tit for tat with you on Biden vs Trump, just saying that affirmation confirmation is pretty easy these days. Your post about how Trump has said nice things about Putin is easily countered with compliments Biden and Obama have said. Its all about grabbing votes and staying in power.
  16. You really going to argue that this is better? The most powerful man in the world doesn’t know how to handle himself next to a woman trying to give a televised speech?
  17. Cmon you can’t hear the sarcasm in that? watch it, it was met with laughter and applause.
  18. Definitely one of the more interesting lines of thunderstorms on radar to come through this area…
  19. You get yourself way too caught up in media spin. The truth with anything is always somewhere in the middle. I’m sure I could find more examples of disgusting things to hear from the other side. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-obama-russia-putin-sb-idUSTRE56657Q20090707 https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/biden-praises-vladimir-putin-and-calls-him-a-worthy-adversary/vi-AAL2ndZ
  20. Thanks, i expected a lot higher based on the line that setup just north of the thruway during the game and the storm that blew through last night. I woke up to the rain only to be disappointed by the storm.
  21. Yep this was a torrential downpour right over my house as I was about to get on my motorcycle for work this morning.
  22. I’ve never had an employer ask for my medical records as a condition of employment. I am vaccinated, but don’t think it’s fair to force someone to get vaccinated or pay for testing. Nothing to do with politics in that. My company is under 100 employees so we don’t have to deal with fallout but my wife’s company is preferring for how to operate with less staff, which makes no sense as she works in health care…
  23. Not to be insensitive to those who have passed or became seriously ill but holy literal ****. A country wide vaccine mandate? What a ****ing disaster, complete over reach. I’m no conspiracy theorist but it’s as if someone is purposely trying to rip the country apart.
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